When Jesus came to earth,
The best descriptions of his accommodations would be
Imagine what it must have been like for Him
Heaven, where it is perfect.
There is no need or want of any kind.
Where GOD is honored in the way He is supposed to be.
Where He is worshipped and glorified.
Where there is unimaginable beauty of every kind.
Then He arrived here on earth…a place of brokenness.
Broken people, broken politics,
Even brokenness in the religion He founded. stop
He came into that broken starkness.
Born into poverty, in a stark manger in a barn.
Jesus came…humbly.
He didn’t grasp His privilege.
He submitted to the Father
Became a servant
So we could be
Beautiful, Martha. I always marvel at the stark difference Jesus endured between heaven and earth. Where light shines all around, beauty and peace probably surrounded Him, to a place of darkness, turmoil and discord. And Jesus came willingly. Because He loves us, and wanted to offer us that gift of redemption.
It is more than I can truly understand. Thanks for the visual of a Jesus-kind of love.
I hope your CHRISTmas is a restful one for you and your husband.
thanks jeanne…both for you kind words re the post and your kind words re Christmas:) blessings this year as you celebrate His birth:)
“He didn’t grasp His privilege.”
What a profound statement. Thank you for writing this, Martha.
#4 at FMF
glad you found it helpful andrew. it’s not really original with me. you’ll have to thank Paul for it…Philippians 2:5-8 (specifically vs. 6):) it’s pretty amazing isn’t it? who doesn’t take advantage of his privilege? no one! Jesus was a rare exception for sure!
I love the name of your blog! Beautiful post, too! I’m your FMF neighbor this week, parked in #17, excited to meet another new friend through the linkup. Nativity joy to you!
thanks for stopping by leah:) so glad to meet you. i’ll have to browse your blog soon. glad you enjoyed what you read.
Yes…to a stark and broken world. The one who brings hope and peace and love and light. Loved your post. I’m over in the #15 spot.
thanks tara. you’re my neighbor. i’ve already stopped there:)