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photo: iStock_000020482408

It’s Five Minute Friday again.  (Today, we’re linked to her facebook page because her website is broken!)  This time I was so close to finishing in 5 minutes, I’m calling it 5.  It is so rare that this happens!

We’re almost done with our study of 7.  It is becoming both painful and overwhelming.  Each week, I’m being pounded with so much that needs changing, that I’ve gotten to the point of needing a place to back-up and start over.

I need the pummeling.  I’ve been way too complacent and lazy.  Now I need some time to put the pieces together.  Where do I start?  What do I do now?  This was a helpful post to write tonite.  Repent and walk by faith.  Sounds easier than it is sometimes.  Continue to accept the grace Christ has offered.  Thank you God for this reminder once again of your amazing grace!


With each passing day I become more and more aware

Of my brokenness.

I once thought the cracks were ever so slight.

Just a mild case of failure…enough to keep me out of heaven.


As I age, I realize that each good deed done is marbled with pride and selfishness,

A desire to push forward my own agenda.  The cracks are much larger than I once thought!

With each act of humility comes the realization that I want those around me to applaud.

My courage wanes as I am challenged to change in more radical ways.

To change my entitlement thinking that says, “You have worked hard.  You deserved this little luxury.”


I forget that the King of the Universe humbled Himself and became a human baby.

He lived humbly and perfectly for 33 years.

He was broken for me despite not deserving any of the suffering or pain.


Now, He holds out the bread and wine.

“Remember my body and blood.  I was broken for you so you can be whole.”