photo: © Nikhil Gangavane | Dreamstime.com
There was a girl who felt lost and alone
Even in a crowd.
She wanted to feel accepted and part of the group.
She tried too hard.
The more she tried
The more she wasn’t accepted.
She was a little goofy.
She hoped her humor would help others like her.
But it didn’t.
She just felt more alone
And off the beaten track.
She knew she didn’t fit in.
She wondered if she ever would.
After she graduated from high school
where she mostly didn’t fit in.
And went to Bible college for almost 2 years
Where she fit in a little more.
She went to the city and studied to be a nurse.
She seemed to fit in better there than she had anywhere else before.
She married and learned more about what it means to function as an adult christian in a church.
She learned what her spiritual gifts were.
She already knew what they weren’t.
When she learned what they were, STOP
It was like a light went on.
There was a purpose behind so much of what she had lived through.
One of her gifts was encouragement.
She had always longed for someone to encourage her…
In ways that were meaningful.
Not just to tell her that her dress was pretty
Or that she was cute.
But that she had something unique to contribute…
And specifically what that unique thing was!
As time went on, she actually received that kind of feedback occasionally.
It always touched her in that tender place that made her cry…
Or want to.
To think that GOD could use her to encourage a person who felt lost and alone
To look to Jesus or
Find friends who cared about them in this life.
To think that her children could grow up to be confident women who knew
Their strengths and weaknesses.
Who knew their parents loved them, no matter what.
Who knew they were whole and pure and good…in Christ.
And that they could pass this on to their children.
What a gift!
What a wonderful miracle of grace!
That GOD could change this lonely, lost girl
As she learned to love others.
Hi Martha! I can identify with your lost girl here. I, too, am a fringe dweller. Never quite seeming to fit just right. Kinda like a puzzle piece with worn edges… Glad she found her purpose. I’m even more thrilled that God has a purpose for everyone, regardless of your self-assurance level in life.
i like your description sabrina…a fringe dweller…like a puzzle piece with worn edges. i’ve decided these feelings can be an advantage. we never really feel comfortable where we are, and we can love on others who feel like they don’t fit in either. we’ll never fit the mold for sure. it will be exciting to watch GOD use us for His glory.
that means a lot daughter Dawn:)
Absolutely beautiful! Linking up at Lisa Jo after you. I have never participated in this link up and I am so glad you posted before me. I think we all feel lost at one time or another. Some of us are just better at hiding it. Pretending we are not lost. With His grace we can help others, through our words, not to feel so lost and alone. Keep encouraging!
thanks for stopping by jeri:) thanks for your good words too:) martha