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photo: 342165p9h3lr7b4

photo: 342165p9h3lr7b4

prompt: change


She was walking through life

Alone, empty

With only her desires and wants to satisfy.


The focus of her life was on herself

Her needs, her wishes, her dreams

Her people


With each wish fulfilled

She found new emptiness

It didn’t fill the places she thought it would fill


It only opened up new empty holes.

One day, she found the Living Water.       STOP

The One who who fills those empty places


Who quenches the thirst that makes desertland

Into a lush, green, flowering place!

Who fills that deep empty craving inside.


The change He brought to her life was big, but quiet.

It was dramatic but different than what she expected.

There were no trumpets.


Some days were still difficult.

Old patterns did not change easily.

Some days felt like war.


But a new day had come.

Change was here.

There was no turning back.


Abundant life had come

And she drank fully of the Living Water

As it enriched, cleansed and nourished her!




Fellowship Friday33