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In our Bible study today, we all agreed (60+ women) that the hard times were the times we learned the most, grew the most & often were the sweetest w God. #godspurposeforus

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The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me;
your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.

Do not forsake the work of your hands.
Psalm 138:8 ESV

In our Bible study today, we were discussing hard times. (This is a group of women who are all over 60.) As we looked back, we realized that those hard times taught us way more than we ever learned during our easy times. We also realized that our awareness of Jesus’ presence was much greater during those hard times (when we had to lean on Him) than during easy times when we didn’t feel like we were in over our heads.     stop

As we looked back, we realized that those hard times taught us way more than we ever learned during our easy times. Share on X

It is wonderful how GOD transforms those times of difficulty for His good purposes, isn’t it? How amazing!

As we walk through our present, we can trust GOD as He guides us. When the path gets rocky and at times, unpleasant, we know that He has a purpose for each of us that He is working out for our good and His glory.