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Today (Sunday) was a wonderful sermon for Palm Sunday.  Yes, I could attempt to give you a run down, but it wouldn’t do it justice and you would get bored by my “summary.”

I’m not a good preacher.  The preacher in my house is my husband…fortunately!  He is much more concise and is able to get to the point much faster!  Oh my goodness.  I didn’t start rambling as I got older.  I have always rambled!

Moving on.

The Biblical Passages

The passages from the sermon were Luke 19:35-40 and Matthew 9:14-17.  The passage on the Triumphal Entry was mixed with the passage on one of the parables.  (That’s what we’re having a series on right now.)

The Sermon Link

Here is the link to the sermon called Kingdom Etiquette.  This will put you on the right page, but you will need to click on the individual sermon.

The hard thing about hearing a sermon is that you aren’t part of our church culture.  You don’t know what is happening during the time we aren’t in a worship service.

Are we people who sit and soak?  Or are we active in serving others?

In a larger church, we are often all different and at different stages in our lives.  But we are being pointed in a good direction by both our leadership in worship and elders are willing to come alongside us and encourage us to experience and express grace in very practical, down-to-earth ways.

As you worship during this Holy Week, stop and think.

Have you learned to dance with Jesus?

(As is spoken about during the sermon.)  His death made it possible.  His perfect, once and for all sacrifice…for all time.  It was complete and perfect.  Then He sat down.

Thank you Lord!  We have so much reason to dance and party!


Pardon our mild response to the sermon as a congregation.  We aren’t good at “Amens.”  What he was saying deserved them.  That’s why he commented on it a few times.  Forgive our presbyterianism.  We were saying, “Amen” inside.  We just don’t always get the words out!