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photo background: dreamstime_m_14879431  text: GrittyGrace.comThis past Sunday we were visiting our daughter’s church in Huntsville, AL.  The church is Southwood Presbyterian Church.  The pastor is Jean Larroux III.  I’m going to link you to the sermon because it was so encouraging. (If you have a problem downloading it, go to the Southwood home page link above and choose the sermon titled What have we been set free from?)   It is part of his series on Scandalous Obedience.  (He has already done one on Scandalous Grace!)  Do you get the feeling he likes the word scandalous?  🙂

Another term he used a lot in the sermon? “Presbyterians on parole”…it’s not just presbyterians that get like this, you know!  He was just talking to a roomful of them at the time and the alliteration was just too easy!

Just to let you know, he has been preaching on the topic of grace…a LOT.  So much so that there have been some in the church that felt he might be off balance on the topic.  This sermon was supposed to be from the “other side” to put his emphasis on grace (**this is in no way meant to put all their views into context, just a passing observation based on a small amount of information.) into context.

Because of the topic of my blog, I was interested in his sermon…more than normal.  You will find it to be very interesting, challenging AND encouraging. I found the idea of returning to prison a very challenging concept in relation to the obedience vs. grace issue…which isn’t an issue.  It’s both…and.

We enjoyed our visit with daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.  They  have been very encouraged by this church where they are members.  This is the first time we have been able to visit since their “new” pastor came…almost 2 years ago!

Be challenged and encouraged as you listen!

What was most helpful to you?