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ordinaryOnce again, it’s Five Minute Friday.  Another week: DONE! Actually, another month has flown past as well.  Time is flying by!

In case you don’t know, the rules for Five Minute Friday are as follows:




To be honest, that’s what makes up the majority of people in the world.

We Americans love to think that we must have something about us that is:

  • exceptional
  • superior
  • special


This attitude spills over into our Christian lives.

We think we must fix ourselves up for GOD

As if He doesn’t know the deep dark secrets of our lives.

As if He isn’t aware of the thoughts that burrow deep into our souls.

We somehow think that the things we do or don’t do set us apart from the everyday riff-raff.


We really don’t want to think of ordinary as being something that describes us.

But ordinary is the kind of person GOD needs.

An ordinary person knows he has nothing to offer GOD.

An ordinary person knows she isn’t doing GOD any favors when she gives Him her life.

She knows she needed GOD’s grace at the start of her spiritual journey…and continues to

She knows that she will not accomplish anything apart from the grace of GOD working in her life!



Just ordinary people; God uses ordinary people.

People just like me and you    (sic)

Who are willing to do as He commands.

GOD uses people that will give Him all,

No matter how small your all may seem to you;

Because little becomes much as you place it in the Master’s Hand.

by Danniebelle Hall