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It’s back to 5 Minute Friday again.  This week flew by!

Last week I was at the Live 5 Minute Friday writing with the group at Allume…what fun!  The conference ended and my plans to stay with my brother for a few days were rudely interrupted by Sandy!  No, not a family friend, the hurricane, described by some as the frankenstorm.  Fortunately, we were in an area that was not in all the photos, but New York City and New Jersey took a massive hit.  So did the coastal areas of many other states.

Of course, I tried to get home before the storm hit, but it didn’t work out!  I sat out the storm in Harrisburg, PA with family there.  Fortunately, they had lots of supplies, a generator, plenty of heat and good food!  We didn’t lose power except for a couple of hours.  We actually didn’t even have much wind!  I got home on Wednesday, worked last night and here I sit…writing again.

So here are the rules, once again, for Five Minute Friday:

  1. Write for 5 minutes with no looking back.
  2. Link to Gypsy Mama’s 5 Minute Friday page.
  3. Most important, stop at the person ahead of you on the link page and leave her an encouraging message.
This week I had a chance to see what happens
when roots aren’t strong enough.
High winds come and the tree falls over.


Sometimes, the problem seems to be
that the ground is oversaturated with water.
It seems that the tree falls over
because the ground stopped being solid.
Either way, the roots weren’t deep enough into the soil to hold up the tree.


There are often times in life when we feel like we will fall over and “die”.
We do not know what to do or where to go for the help we need.
Often we don’t even know where to begin to find help
because we don’t know what we truly need!


We have often been told, “Be sure you are rooted in Christ!”
But we’re not even sure what that really looks like beyond sounding good.


How do we root our lives in Christ?                                      STOP


Part of the answer is found in deciding that Christ must be so integral to our life(style)
That His absence will make everything in our life unravel if He is gone.
That still doesn’t sound very clear I know.  That’s why I said, “It is part of the answer.”


My roots must be in Christ…in the work He did for me on the Cross.
Is my life rooted in the forgiveness offered me by Christ on the cross?


Is it so rooted that it affects my relationships?  
That I gift that forgiveness to others around me because I know that I am forgiven?
That I am living out of a life of forgiveness, not out of guilt!  Talk about Amazing Grace!


It is something to think about.  I’m thinking of ways it affects me now…and could affect me even more in the future.
How does it look in your life?  Where are your roots?


I’d love to hear from you what it looks like.  If you don’t like to comment here or on facebook, click on my contact link and that wil connect to my email.