What is it? It was dreamed up in the very creative mind of Gypsy Mama.
What are the rules?
- Write for 5 minutes…no editing, no back tracking. I do reread it to be sure it makes sense and there are no typos. I can live with just so much spontaneity. Those of you who know me only thought I was spontaneous. I can’t live with misspellings.at all!
- I add my links, photos and it is on its way.
- Then, we must stop at the link ahead of us and make a comment. This is very important! We may stop anywhere else we want along the way as well!
“I am woman, hear me roar!”
That was the first thought that came to mind when I heard the prompt.
Yes, it was a great commercial…and song I believe. Wasn’t it Helen Reddy? (interesting motives for song lyrics!)
Does this come from a woman who is frazzled from trying to prove how accomplished she is?
Or from a woman who is simply angry!
She does and does for her family and do they notice? Rarely. In fact, they often take her for granted.
They want her to do even more!
There are days she actually does roar! She isn’t able to control herself and lets it out.
She spews the poison that sits and festers in her heart. The regret she feels is huge.
All she wants to do is hide.
Where can she go?
I can relate to roaring poison and regretting it bitterly. Just yesterday, in fact, I had to stop in a YMCA lobby and call apologies back home. God is a gracious, tender God, isn’t he? May He change and mold me more to Him.
Have a great week, Martha.
Jennifer Dougan
as you can imagine, i’ve had experience on that front too. that was why i mentioned it. it is also why i was so touched by that passage in the psalm…along with many others like it:)
I was sorry you only had five minutes in which to write. I have a feeling you could add so much more to this post.
thanks elizabeth. i ALWAYS have more to say on my topics:) ha-ha. you can tell that by my lengthy posts, can’t you? my poor, concise husband reads them and shakes his head. (he is a retired pastor!) i enjoy 5 min. fridays b/c i write a totally different way…hmmm. maybe i should take something from that:)
right now i’m stuck on my post that that was for today b/c of a tech issue and the need for more editing…and i was called in for work! it will have to be tomorrow.
Great post Martha! I feel as if you’ve been a fly on the wall at my house a few times. Wonderful to remember that He is always able to redeem me. With Him I can soar. 😉
i was a mother of young children once too you know:) my basic tendency is toward being task oriented not people oriented. thus the inappropriate “roars”. now, many people who know me think i AM people oriented. that is the grace of GOD. He has changed me. It has been a process.
I like your post. I also really like the font change. (at least it appears different to me).
thanks:) i think i like the font change too. you are very observant. i wanted to change something. can’t get the new header to look right and don’t have time right now to work on it. it will take some time. so i’m thinking hard about the details. thanks for dropping and reading. thanks too, for your hospitality last week. we’re homesick for you all already. I’ve gotten a break until next week re work. not sad about that:) love, mom
Thought my link up was after yours, so I read your post first. New to the 5 min Friday, but glad for a jumpstart to just writing. I like your blog. I’ve been thinking of starting a new one that’s more attuned to what I want to write about and I want to call it Grits and Grace, for much the same reasons you named yours. But also because I’m a southern girl and we love our grits. Plus, I’ve got three little girls raised in the south in my house. Thanks for your post.
sounds like a great idea. thanks for stopping by. i’ll have to take a browse at your blog. i like the name. wow! i see you already have it up. it is beautiful! very classy looking.