What is 5 minute Friday? It is the dream child of Gypsy Mama. The rules are simple.
- Write for 5 minutes…if you must go longer, at least let us know.
- Don’t edit. I do check for spelling and make sure the sentences make sense! I also add photos and links.
- Link to Gypsy Mama’s 5 Minute Friday page.
- Go to the person ahead of you and write an encouraging comment. Stop by as many others on the page as you want.

photo: © Paul Burr | Dreamstime.com
I saw the word together and thought of family and church. I took a few minutes just to see how many times the word together is used in the Bible. I was surprised to see the many different settings where it was used. In five minutes, I can’t do it justice. But some of my initial thoughts, were sharpened a bit but by looking over the Scripture.
When it comes to the most basic human relationship, the Word is clear: “What God has joined together, let no man separate!” He evidently has a high view of the basic family unit: a man and woman. They are the foundation of a family. We get so callous about “relationships” and dropping in and out of them with or without the protection of marriage. Actually, we get callous about the importance of all kinds of relationships, don’t we?
In terms of the Church, our relationship in Christ is described here in Ephesians 2:4-6. We are alive together with Christ! Our relationships within the Church–locally and universally are to be like those found in Ephesians 2:19-22; Colossians 2:2-3; Colossians 3:12-14; and I Corinthians 12:24b-26. We are in this together. We are knit together in love. When one hurts, all hurt…whether they know it or not!
Our purpose as the people of GOD is seen here in Romans 15:5-6. Romans 8:21-23 also describes our situation as we, along with all Creation groan together as a woman in labor, waiting for our final Redemption.
As families, we are together in our commitment to our spouses primarily, but also to our children as well. Our families are a living, breathing example of the grace of GOD in our communities. Not because of their perfection…that is not possible and everyone knows it! Our families are a microcosm of the Church. We are placed on this earth to glorify GOD. Yes, we often fail in that endeavor, but when we do, we can go to Christ for forgiveness and grace in the middle of a broken, fallen world.
As a church body, we are together in a larger context as we come together to worship each week, but also as we serve and love one another, and minister mercy and grace to the world around us as well. We are the family of Christ that the world can see and know what the Father is like.