Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash
Photo by Greyson Joralemon on Unsplash
Still, Quiet, Peaceful
After a long, tiring trip
Unexpected labor
No room at the inn
A newborn baby cries
He is healthy
The stillness settles over the place
Where they are staying.
Mary ponders
The promises that preceded His birth
The fears of the evening
What will this child face?
Suddenly, on a dark hill
Bright light shines
Hordes of angels appear to the shepherds.
They sing, “Glory to GOD in the highest
On earth, Peace.”
They went to see the new Babe…and worshipped
Today, we are surrounded by hustle and bustle
Just like Mary and Joseph.
Unexpected circumstances happen to us
We rarely feel prepared.
But Jesus is there as well
So is the Light…in the middle of darkness.
His message to us?
“Be still and know that I am GOD!”
Action plan: Make time to be still during this Christmas season to spend with Jesus. Enjoy the light of His presence. As a child of GOD (if you belong to Him.) He is with you as Immanuel…all the time! Don’t allow the scared, overwhelmed or broken hearted aspects of your life to take away the hope He came to bring.
This is rewritten from a post written in 2018.
Beautiful poem! We were thinking along similar lines today.
yes, i noticed that tara:)
This is a great retelling of the story! And it is important in the midst of all the busyness to take time to stop and to ponder. It’s such a comfort to know that he is with us.
thanks lesley:) it is a comfort indeed!