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graphics: Martha G. Brady

graphics: Martha G. Brady

That’s right. It’s Spring Break.
Even for us retirees.


How does it affect us?
The weekly groups we are in are paused this week.
As much as we enjoy them, the break has been nice.
Our local children and grandchildren have been out of town.
Again, we have missed them, but have been able to be a little lazy.


We have been able to take some time to take food to a new mom,
Do some shopping, and go to lunch with some friends.


Funny how breaks are different for different people.
Some breaks are spent being just as busy but at fun activities.
Other breaks are spent being less busy and recouping strength.
Still others involve taking on special projects around the house
That need to be done…repairs, rejuvenation, building/gardening projects.    stop


The important thing to remember is that breaks are needed.
They aren’t fluffy or designed for the lazy.
They are helpful for those who work hard,
Those who need time to be refreshed, to pause and catch their breath,
To make time to spend with their family having fun!


So, the next break that comes your way, stop and think about how you spent the last 2 or 3.
Did you do something fun? or were you working hard during each break?
Maybe it’s time to take a fun break with your family.
It doesn’t have to be expensive in an exotic setting. It may take some creativity.
But planning ahead to do something together for fun will glue your family together

In ways nothing else does…whether it is all of you or just you and your spouse

How do you spend your breaks?

Do you make ways to have fun together? During breaks as well as at different times during the day?