The Lord your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.”Zephaniah 3:17
I love this verse, among others. It is a reminder that because of Christ, we no longer have to live in guilt. We can have this wonderful relationship. Just like a father who looks on us with delight because we belong to him.
He isn’t sitting in some place in the sky, waiting to pounce on our every action, but rejoicing over us!
This is so far from my earlier pictures of GOD. But because of Christ, this is who I am!
That’s one of the things I rely upon. I love so many, so many places around the world… BUT HE is “IT”… the only One Whom I should concentrate on moment-by-moment, b/c He is the Mighty Warrior and He pours salvation out and about to draw people to Himself. Love this reminder. Thank you.
thanks for visiting joanne:) thinking of Him as both the Mighty Warrior and the One who rejoices over us with singing…delightful picture isn’t it?
Such a great verse!
it has become a favorite marty:)
I LOVE this verse! Thanks for a sweet reminder to listen to his song of joy!
it is so encouraging isn’t it:) we are reminded of it each week at the end of our worship service:) i like the title of your blog.
Oh Martha … you’ve captured the inquisitiveness, impishness, sweet zeal for life with your lens. Love this!
thanks for the compliment Linda. i didn’t take this photo. i love the picture of these sweet kids tho’. thanks for stopping by.
Amen! – visiting from the Sunday Community
thanks for stopping by trinity:)