Photo by Katie Burkhart on Unsplash
We write for five minutes with minimal editing…preferably none! I don’t always finish my thought in five. That’s why I put the “stop” in. That way you know when the 5 minutes was up!
The rest of the rules? We link to Lisa-Jo’s page and the most important rule? We stop and share how the words of the person ahead of us impacted us. We usually stop to visit a few others as well.
In the process, we find our voice. Come join us anytime. I knew I would join FMF at least once during this month. The FMF title won’t be on this one because it would be way too unwieldy! So here goes!
Do you ever look in the mirror and think
“How ordinary”?
Do you think about your gifts or lack of them and think,
“How ordinary” ?
Do you look around, and wish you looked like ____
or had the gifts of ____.
If that were the case, THEN you would be able to do so much for GOD.
But look at the facts.
Look at the people GOD used in Scripture…for His glory.
Take Moses. He was out there on the back side of the desert.
He had a grand education and had grown up in the palace in Egypt.
Now he was raising sheep for his father-in-law.
Remember that day when the bush starting burning, but didn’t burn up? STOP
Moses had lots of excuses why he couldn’t do what GOD wanted him to do.
But GOD asked him what was in his hand.
Just an ordinary rod.
There was nothing special about it.
But during the years after that, GOD used that rod to initiate the plagues
That showed His power over the Egyptian gods,
Open a way through the Sea for the nation of Israel to escape their enemies,
Sweeten bitter water, and a host of provisions for a whole nation…
Through whom the Redeemer would come!
Most often, GOD used very ordinary people with very ordinary instruments
To show His power and might.
Slingshots, jars with torches in them, a tent peg, a manger, a cross…
The next time you are tempted to call one of GOD’s creations ordinary,
Remember how He uses ordinary.
He has a way of turning it upside-down for His glory!
Thanks be to GOD!
But we have this treasure
in jars of clay
to show that this all-surpassing power
is from God
and not from us.
II Corinthians 4:7
Think about this Scripture and the people mentioned earlier in the post. Are you inclined toward calling others ordinary or are you more inclined to belittle your own value in GOD’s Kingdom?
Ask GOD to show you ways His all-surpassing power is being shown through the lives of others around you who are ordinary or possibly through your ordinary life. Isn’t that the important thing?
**notice the photo has succulents in a piece of driftwood. you can’t get more ordinary than driftwood! It’s the beauty of the plants that is shown off, not the container.
Hi! I’m visiting from FMF. Love your post! The verse about jars of clay came to my mind, too. Thanks for the reminder of how God uses ordinary things to do the extraordinary!
thanks for stopping by charlie. looks like we were thinking along the same lines today weren’t we? nice to meet you:)