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moving2013Another week has flown by!  It’s time for Five Minute Friday (FMF) again.  Yes, I’m home now.  But this home won’t be ours for long.

The closing on the sale of our home will be April 22.  We will have 3 days to get out of the house.  Hopefully, we will be on our way the morning of April 25 after loading the truck April 24.

In a week, we will have our Moving Sale (4/18-19).  Time is running out but we have a house rented in AL and a closing set here.

All we have to do now is get packed!  That’s all we have to do…ACK!  But back to FMF.

The rules?

  • Write for 5 mintues on the word HERE.  No editing,  no turning back.
  • Link to Lisa-Jo Baker’s FMF page.
  • Write a comment to the person ahead of you about the influence of her words on you.  Of course, you can make as many other comments as you would like to others as well!



Here I am at home.

But it doesn’t look like my home anymore.

The walls are bare.

The holes are filled.

The paint is touched up.


The furniture and stuff is being sorted.

One room has boxes and things that will move with us.

Another room has junque and miscellany that are going into the moving/garage sale…in a week.


We are still here, but mentally I am starting to put myself there.

I’m putting myself in a new church…away from people I have known and loved,

Some for as long as 25 years.  Others for just a few.


Putting myself in a new community where I know almost no one…

Except my daughter, son-in-law, and two adorable grandchildren.

Will we fit in?  Will we like it?

At this point, I don’t know.


The rapid sale of our home has been a mercy.

No time for long “good-byes.”

I hate “good-byes.”

More than anything.


But we left for four years in 2004 and they did fine without us.

It was a very painful “good-bye” for me.

This time is not as difficult…or as painful.


People have moved on.

Much has changed…including me.                    STOP

It’s time to move on and be close to family.


I’m tired of watching others enjoy their grandchildren and be part of their everyday lives.

I don’t say this with rancor.  I just miss mine.

Now it is my turn.  We are free to do it now.

We may even have the chance to be helpful…and be needed.


That will be nice too.

Here has been a great place to be.

But it is time to make a new place “here.”


It will be a big change.

There will be many adjustments.  I have no illusions about that.

But it will be good to enjoy some of our family…in the same town.

And a beautiful one at that!


Thank you GOD.