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What is important about trust?

The amount of my trust?


If I’m trusting too much in the wrong thing, I’ll be in BIG trouble!


What is important about trust?

The One in whom I am trusting!

Is He trustworthy?

Is He sufficient to the task?

Does He have the resources needed to do the job?


That is what is most important.

The trustworthiness of the trustee.

His resources…

His ability to see the future and anticipate problems.

Is He wise?  Is He good?


There is only One who can be trusted.

It is GOD Himself!

He is all-wise.

He is sovereign over His creation.

He is eternal.


There is no “was” with Him…nor is there a “will be”.

He is I AM!  His tense is eternally present.

He alone can be trusted with all I am.  All I hope to be.

All I need.

All I love.


Five Minute Friday: the rules

  • write for 5 minutes…no turning back.  (I do read mine through to be sure it makes sense! Then add links & photos.)
  • link up at gypsy mama‘s blog page.
  • stop at the post just before yours and leave an encouraging word.  feel free to stop and do the same for others as well.