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What is Five Minute Friday? Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word and link to Gypsy Mama blog on today’s topic.  Feel free to join us over there.  Anyone can link to it.


Change of seasons…we’re right in the middle of that right now.  Moving from spring to summer, cool and bearable to roasting Texas hot and probably dry.  Blooming flowers to parched, dry yards…unless the rain comes.

Change of seasons…graduations…weddings…changing relationships…children moving off to college…cleaving to a spouse, moving to a new part of the country…children changing from elementary to junior high or moving on to high school.  Lots of milestones whether in “regular” school or homeschool.

Change of life season…just got my medicare card!!  We are aging and the speed gets faster every day.  I’m becoming invisible…seen as past my prime…maybe even irrelevant.  Fortunately, I know that in Christ I am more than what others think of me…or what I think they think of me.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.  Hallelujah!