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Lyrics of an old hymn titled, Lord, Dissolve my Frozen Heart, touches me very deeply. Allowing the warmth of His love to melt my hard, frozen heart? Lovely! #hymnsandsongs #frozenheart

Photo: Martha G. Brady

Hymns have been a huge part of all my remembered life, so I’m glad I can share hymns and songs with you.  They put into words the feelings of my heart in response to GOD’s Word, my knowledge of who GOD is and the prayers of my heart!

Story of Thomas Kelly, hymn writer

This is a very old hymn, written in the late 1700’s or early 1800’s.  It is one of many new hymns these days that are actually old hymns with new tunes.  I never heard these words until this year in our new church.  I will say, the tune isn’t my top favorite, but it is growing on me as I learn it.  …but the words?  WOW!  They are often right where I am.

I can totally identify with the concept of a frozen heart!  I’ll enclose a link to the video at the bottom of the post as well as links to the Red Mountain Music page...writers of the music.  They are one of many churches and groups who are doing this sort of thing.  You may enjoy hearing more of their music.

I’ll also include the writer of the words, Thomas Kelly who died in 1855.  I saw he was born in 1769 in Dublin, Ireland to a judge. He studied to be a lawyer, but about the time he was ready to become a lawyer, his faith took a much stronger commitment (not that God doesn’t call some to serve him as lawyers) and he took Holy Orders in 1792. I think he was still protestant, but he and his friend were preaching very much evangelically and the archbishop was not happy with their message so moved him out of the city to the country.

He was known to be very educated and intelligent as well as musical. He wrote many hymns that are still used today, but not many that I have heard before. He was known for the unusual meters of his hymns and the mostly joyful hymns he wrote. This hymn was not on the list of hymns that are used today, interestingly enough. His primary work, however, was preaching and pastoring. He wrote hymns on the side…but many pastors did it sort of on the side, but as a way to add to the worship in their services. One well known example was John Newton, author of Amazing Grace, but author of many other hymns as well.

How do you distinguish between a hymn and a gospel song?

I’m told that by definition, a hymn is addressed to GOD…with a few exceptions.  A gospel song is a testimony.  There are songs, usually in chorus form, that are Scripture and often help a person memorize passages of Scripture.  Of course, some people sing Psalms too…from Psalters.  These are just a few forms of music used for worship.

Enjoy this updated post from the past.

Below is this week’s hymn:

Lord, dissolve my frozen heart
By the beams of Love Divine;
This alone can warmth impart
To dissolve a heart like mine.


O that love, how vast it is!
Vast, it seems, though known in part;
Strange indeed, if love like this
Should not melt the frozen heart.


Chorus: The love of Christ passes knowledge.
The Love of Christ eases fear.
The love of Christ hits a man’s heart;
It pierces him like a spear.


Savior, let thy love be felt,
Let it’s power be felt by me,
Then my frozen heart shall melt,
Melt in love, o Lord to thee.

Click here to see video.