Photo by Matt Bowden on Unsplash
Wow! This past couple of months have felt like riding an emotional roller coaster loaded with anxiety. We have been house hunting, making offers, getting in bidding wars, losing bidding wars, and finally finding what seemed close to perfect for us.
The caveat is that no house is truly perfect. In our case, this house has a lot of trees on the property. While investigating the health of the trees, we found some needed to be removed. Fast forward through the usual inspections of the house and everything seemed to move smoothly.
Then came a glitch!
Looking back, mistakes were made which I won’t go into here. But just when it looked like everything was ready to go, we hit a snag. It was a wise snag, mind you, but a snag nonetheless, that put the whole deal in jeopardy…the day before the walk through. Everything was lined up for the move, a little work to be done during the week after the closing, some deliveries of furniture, etc. All was lined up ready to go.
I was stopped dead in my tracks. What? This isn’t going to work out? I’m going to have to go back to square one and start this whole process over? Please. NO! Anything but that.
There was nothing I could do. The decision was out of my hands.
I realized the decision regarding what was going to happen was totally and completely out of my hands. I was discussing it with Ron and he said, “Let’s pray about it.” I said, “We had better pray about it because that is the only thing that will resolve what is going on. And if it doesn’t work out, that is the only thing that will calm me down!”
God is much bigger than the sale of a house. What are His plans for us? We had to pray with open hands.
Knowing that GOD does have decisions like this in His control is very helpful even when I have no control over the outcome. Wednesday included added inspections and meeting with someone for more information on cost. Not much went according to plan that day. It was a day full of delays. This was this past Wednesday!
When we met with our small group that evening, we still didn’t have answers. I was inclined to think on the pessimistic side, but I didn’t know for sure what was going to happen. Among the things we prayed about that night was this request…for GOD’s will to be done re “our house.”
We came home and I sat down to watch TV for an hour. I was so tired, I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, it was midnight and I checked my phone for messages. The sellers were unwilling to move further on what had been agreed on earlier. They planned to walk away.
I talked to the other party involved. We discussed various aspects of the decision but in the end, decided to go with the deal after all. I was pleasantly surprised…and honestly, relieved. When I got off the phone, I notified my agent.
The deal went through and the closing was Friday. I’m shocked and pleasantly surprised. I’m also thankful. I don’t think I have ever prayed so much for each step of a move as I have this one. I also don’t think I have had so many problems along the way that forced me to have to pray because I had no control over some of the decisions and/or mistakes made.
Anxiety can function like an alarm to remind us to pray. We can learn to welcome anxiety as a friend…of sorts.
I have had plenty of anxiety for sure, but it has been lessened as I have had to stop and remind myself of the Scripture below. It has also been lessened by the study I have been involved in that has been reminding me of who GOD is and how different He is from me!
He is bigger, grander, everywhere present and all knowing…to name just a few ways He is different. When things don’t appear to be working out, I know He is aware of things I am not. I also realize His agenda for me and those around me is much larger and grander than one simple incident around this one house sale. So I have to trust Him and be patient for His will to work itself out.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.
Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.
The Lord is at hand;
do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Philippians 4:4-7 ESV