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Where is fear hiding out in your heart?Tangled in the roots of anger? Fear of what others think? Fear of the future and its challenges? Ask the Spirit to reveal. #fearhidingout

photo by Canva

Over time, i have discovered fear in odd places i have found it in the strident sound of my voice as i talk with my husband. and realize i am more fearful than my angry sounding words indicate.   i am afraid he will not love me if i express the truth of how i feel. or he will not be happy if i express my true wishes. this has no basis in fact!   or when my children were younger, fear was often found in the angry words i spoke as i panicked. i was afraid they would turn into people who didn’t care about GOD good character, a work ethic or being responsible.   when i was ignored as i tried to train them, my panic knew no bounds! honestly. if i could talk to my younger self, i would say                            stop

“trust GOD to work salvation out in your child just as He has been doing it in yours.”

i would not just sit on my tuffet, but i wouldn’t allow the fear and panic to take over.   i would remember how big GOD is how vast, how sovereign. He is way larger than any individual goof i make on a specific day. or any sin or failure I make against my child. or for that matter, any failure of theirs.   He and my church community are bigger than that. no, i can’t take my sin or failure lightly. but feeling intense and perfectionistic about it will only hurt my family and my relationships.   fear is often at the heart of anger, struggles in relationships, difficulties with raising children… to name a few. a large fear for many of us…including me, is fear of man…and woman! we fear what they think of us. it is a huge bondage. sadly, we fear man more than GOD. it gets us in all kinds of trouble!

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands,   for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. II Timothy 1:6-7

When you see fear in your life, ask GOD to show you where it is coming from. Confess it. It is not from Him as this verse suggests. Then move forward in faith toward the future…trusting GOD to provide what you need in terms of resources…financial, emotional, spiritual and mental.