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photo: Weekly Snaps Graphics: Martha G. Brady

photo: Weekly Snaps
Graphics: Martha G. Brady

Today I’d like to introduce a feature that I plan to have regularly on the blog on Tuesdays. But in order for it to be interesting, you will need to get involved.

So far, I have done a few guest posts for other blogs, but haven’t had many guest posters here. Now, I need you to be my guest posters. Please send me posts for our feature entitled The Way I see it!

In line with the themes of the grace of GOD, GOD growing us in areas where we aren’t always ready to grow, God finding us when we weren’t really looking for Him, learning to be different in the ways GOD made me, to name a few, I would like for you to share from your perspective in one aspect of your life.

I want to know YOUR perspective. It may be where GOD found you in an area of sin or addictive behavior, or what your perspective is as a part a certain group of people or a certain life experience. I want to know what that perspective feels like of course, but also how GOD has ministered to you or showed Himself in that life experience.

If applicable, how the Church has helped or hurt. I’m thinking 500-800 words is a good limit. But if you need more and keep it interesting, I’ll use it.

Since it is my blog, I get to decide which ones get published of course. I expect you will do well! I need variety from you all on my blog and it will help you to write this down.

Please include a photo that is free of copyright restrictions. It possible, send in HTML format via email to grittymartha at gmail dot com.

Also include 2-4 sentences of info about yourself with your own photo in addition along with your blog address.
