Today I’m catching my breath after a busy week. Lots of appointments? No. Working hard in the yard? No, not in this heat and humidity. I’m just not that brave! Doing lots of housework and organizing? No, not that either. Don’t I sound like a bum?!
This past week I have been working with Christian Mommy Blogger who have been Evaluating and Critiquing my blog as well as helping me evaluate my ministry goals for the blog. It sounds like fluff work to you but for my poor brain, it has been quite a workout!
One of the hardest parts? Coming up with a Mission Statement for my blog. I so do not think this way! We emailed back and forth. I went over guidelines in the book, prayed, worked, thought, wrote…and wrote again. Each day I was working on questions they gave me to think about.
Now, I feel like I have birthed a child. I’m waiting for the final reply that ties up all the loose ends from this evaluation. (I won 50% free of this eval.) It has stretched me. It has helped me grow and think about my blog and where I think GOD wants me to go with it. It has filled me with excitement and enthusiasm as I plan for the months to come.
Will the blog look new and different? Probably not right away. There are some small cosmetic changes coming slowly. Then broken links and dead end connections that I wasn’t aware of, will be getting fixed. But most of all, I have a narrower focus for the blog. It includes the majority of those who already read it. It will require the input of all who currently read it…along with others. Watch here for coming attractions.
I guess I should tell you the almost final draft of the new mission statement shouldn’t I? Here it is.
How are you going to fit in with this mission?
The purpose of is to glorify GOD
particularly in helping younger women know who they are in Christ and
why they need friendships with Godly older women —
women who can give them a long view of marriage,
a broad view of family and
mentor them in areas where they need guidance…
while pointing them to Jesus.
The context is friendship, growth in grace, GOD’s Word…
and aging together.
Join us in the coming weeks as we discuss what all this means.
Sounds interesting 🙂
glad you like it Dawn.
It make sense and reveals your heart for what you want to accomplish through your blog. May the Lord enlarge and encourage your “blog family!”
thanks ron…and thanks for your help the other nite when i was so stuck! 🙂