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Once again, another Five Minute Friday is upon us!   It is the brainchild of Gypsy Mama.

The rules?  Write 5 minutes on the given word.  No edits, well, I edit enough to be sure my words are spelled right and the article makes sense!  Then I attach my photo(s) and links and it is on its way.  After I link the article, I must stop at the person before me and give her an encouraging word!  Of course, I am allowed to do that to as many others as I would like to do!  Enjoy!

Take a look at Gypsy Mama and see what others had to say on this topic.


photo: © Sgame |

Wow!  Ache…

That describes my heart this week!

I have been aching for friends who are suffering.

I wrote at length about them yesterday

I don’t have this processed to the point of brevity yet!

I have known Kellie since she was a mother of babies…

They were coming fast and furious…and her husband traveled for his job!

She needed to learn how to help some of them read with dyslexia issues.

She learned to trust in GOD.  She had to.

They have moved twice since then.  Kansas and now California.

Now they are trusting Him again in a new way.


And WHAM! Carrie became ill

So suddenly!  so close to death!

Her children are younger, but some are early teens.

Her extended family is mostly nearby…to her.

So far, she is improving as they care for her in a Chicago hospital.

The family is trying to regain its equilibrium.

We continue to pray.

Only GOD knows the future of these two women.


They have never met.

They have many things in common.

They love their children and want to watch them grow up.         STOP

They love their husbands and want more time with them.

They love the Lord.

Their families aren’t ready to say, “Good-bye” to them yet.


They are learning to trust GOD for their future.

Their loved ones are praying for them to be healed.

Our hearts ache for them…as it should be.

And we pray all the more for GOD’s will to be done…

For Him to give us courage and strength for what lies ahead…

Happy or sad, joyful or painful.

In the end, we know it will be good…by GOD’s definition.