Join us for another Five Minute Friday with Gypsy Mama. We write for 5 minutes on the prompt she gives. Today’s is “NEW”. I add my links, read it over for errors, add a photo and send it on its way. Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it!
“I will make all things new.” This was done at the cross as a fete accompli. When you think of your Christian life, do you think of words like new, fresh, alive, vibrant? These are all words I associate with newness.
When Jesus came, that is what He brought! He brought something new! He brought life…to a place that was dark, deeply entrenched in tradition and anything but new. The religious leaders of His day were ingrown and full of lists and lists of rules! They had turned their religion into duties instead of a relationship. Jesus brought something life-giving and fresh. They hated him for it!
What did Jesus bring?
Life, a new covenant,
new access to the Father,
an opportunity to become new people,
to become part of the new covenant that He mediates…
and able to follow the new commandment…Love each other as I loved you! (to name a few.)
How is that looking in your life? God is doing His part of the work for your salvation (100%).
You (and I as well!) need to cooperate in obedience, repentance and faith as His sons and daughters.
Such a good post and reminder. He makes ALL things new. Thank you for sharing.
thnks. ugh. i just realized this was a 5 minute friday post. sorry michelle. i didn’t mean to link this one to you. i was just trying to add a thoughtful one. hope you’ll forgive this goof. i’ve been trying to do too many bloggy things at one these days. i get in trouble when i do that.
glad it was helpful misty.
here from 5mins fridays. this is awesome!
welcome atshaibu, glad it was helpful:)
Just popping over from 5 minute Friday. Your post touched my heart and the picture is a wonderful visual image that shares so much! Thanks for the “stop and think!”
thanks kim. glad it was helpful. thanks for stopping by:)