I found this link today at a favorite site called One September Day and thought you would enjoy following her 21 Days to Pray for Sons (by Brooke McGlothlin. I met September McCarthy last fall at the Relevant conference I attended. She is a delightful lady…now mother of ten children…most of them boys. She has a delightful blog and knows about praying for her children including her sons. She has a few children in heaven as well.
The e-book they will be using to guide their journey will be one written by Brooke McGlothlin, another blogger who was at the conference as well. I didn’t get to meet her, but heard her make some wise comments, lead in prayer and have since spent some time on her blog. Make some time to check out her blog, A Life in Need of Change, as well. She helped start MOB Society (Mothers of Boys) designed to encourage moms of sons to help them grow into Godly men. She has written books as well. Be sure to follow the links and check her out.
If you have a son or grandson, this is a great plan to get involved in…that is…to pray for them! I would be in it right now if I were not headed out of town to a complex training program (for me!). Please take advantage of this great opportunity…to be involved with other women around the world who are taking up the challenge to pray for future leaders.