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Along the lines of my thankfulness theme for the year (as in my Year of Eucharisteo): (If you didn’t check out the link, it was to Ann Voskamp whose ideas guided mine!)  I’m grateful for the ability to do this work and learn new things.  It see just enough progress to be encouraging.

Another thing I have been impressed with this year is how God provides for us.  It seems so often I am at the end of my resources physically, emotionally, sometimes financially too.  Just when I begin to fear, God arrives to provide.  Sometimes he provides what I need before I even realize I have the need.

The stage where I am in my life is one where it is very easy to feel that I have no future.  My body is disintegrating in more and more ways that I don’t appreciate.  I go to work caring for people who are a little further along in the aging process and the poor health process than I am but it is easy to look at them and see my future…and fear it.  I have passed my prime.  There is a sadness to that.  I have regrets that I didn’t make better use of it.

But there is nothing I can do about the past now except to repent of my sins and mistakes and trust Christ for my future…both the details of the rest of this earthly life and the eternal life that awaits me.  There are days I don’t feel that I “deserve” heaven, which of course, is totally true!  It is only because I am “in Christ” as Paul says, that I can have hope for my eternal future.  Thanks be to God!

As you think about your past, are there things you need to make right? Then do it.  Work it into your January plan. What about the future is exciting for you?  gives you some fear? Feel free to comment.  If it is too personal, you may want to write it down somewhere for yourself so you can think about it and trust God to help you in concrete ways.