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photo: CCO public domain

I’m sitting on a comfortable bed in a hotel in Atlanta

After an afternoon of talks and interactions at a Leadership Conference

For women in the Presbyterian Church of America.

We have been inspired as we listened.


Then we talk and wonder what GOD could do at our church

Among our women.

The dream is beginning to take shape in tiny glimmers.


But as we think and discuss, we realize one thing.

In order to move forward, we need to forget the offenses

We have against others from past hurts.


There has been a lot of pain at our church over the past few years.

There are still wounds that haven’t healed.

Part of the healing will need to take place as the hurts are left with Jesus.


It sounds almost trite doesn’t it?

Just leave it with Jesus.          stop

And we snarl back, “NO! I have nursed this baby too long!

I’m hanging onto it just a little longer.”


Yes, we can choose to do that.

But no matter who we are, no matter where we are struggling.

Holding onto grudges, unforgiven hurts and resentments…

Soon it becomes a load too big to carry.


Of course, we will remember the events.

But it is our choice whether we remember them with resentment,

Continually bringing them up to examine them and rehearse them over and over.

Or choose to forgive the wrongs done to us.

We have a choice…to be life givers or life takers.