Photo: Canva
I’m making a slight pivot as we begin Fall of 2022. Rather than limit myself to speaking only to caregivers, mostly women, I am speaking to elderly women about more of the issues we deal with. Of course, that includes caregiving for some. But it also includes other challenges of aging in our stage of life. Things like the loss of spouses and siblings as well as parents along with dear friends. When you think about it, this is normally a stage of life where good-bye is commonly a word we are using. It is not only good-bye as in I’ll see you in a few days. It is the good-byes that are permanent. We are saying good-bye to loved ones in death or to dementia. We won’t be talking to them in the ways we once did. They don’t have the same access to their memories.
If there was ever a time we needed to have hope, it was in this stage of life. It’s not the hope as in “I hope it doesn’t rain.” It is the hope found in the Bible that means confident assurance. A helpful definition I have heard that has been very helpful is the following: hope is confident assurance based on the person and promises of God. That is what I talk about a lot here.
- who I write to
- what do I have to say to you?
- How am I going to communicate it?
- On what platforms do I plan to get it out?
Where do I go from here?
I’ll probably start writing once a week and talking once a week on the blog, so I can get a few other things done that need to be done.
As a reminder, here is the purpose for my website:
Each older woman is adjusting to the unique changes and challenges old age has brought to her.
I help her become aware of the hope she finds in Christ, as she places her confident assurance
in the person and promises of God, realizing this isn’t the final chapter of her story.
I will be reorganizing things a bit so you can find what you want easier. As changes are made, i’ll keep you updated.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!
How vast is the sum of them!
If I would count them, they are more than the sand.
I awake, and I am still with you.Psalm 139:16-18 ESV
updated and rewritten 8/4/22