Photo by Anh Nguyen on Unsplash
Have you ever had a headache? A really bad, throbbing, incessant one? It seemed like it was there to stay. It was never going to leave. It’s not that the pain was over the top severe. Of course, it hurt. But it just didn’t give you a break! Throb, throb, throb. After awhile, it was more like the pounding of a hammer…because it just wouldn’t stop!
You took medication to get it go away and almost nothing happened. Your friends made suggestions, many of which you had already tried. You were too tired to tell them you had been there, done that already. And then, someone suggested you try drinking more water because you might be dehydrated. You almost laughed. That was way too simple of a solution. Drink more water and my headache will go away? Right!
But you decided to try it out. Your usual methods weren’t working. After a day of consistently drinking more water, the headache was improving. No, it couldn’t be that simple. But you kept at it and the headache left! Wow! Lesson learned. Now I know what a dehydrated headache feels like. Yes, I have a list of kinds of headaches. Each has its own solution. I have added another to the list! (stop)
How many other parts of my life are like this headache? The solutions are simple if I will try them.
Leave your simple* ways, and live,
and walk in the way of insight.Proverbs 9:6 ESV
*meaning here is often translated foolish
It has been awhile since I have stopped by Five Minute Friday. For those who don’t know, we are given a word and write for 5 minutes without editing. I had to laugh when I saw that once before when the word was relief, I also wrote about a headache! But it had a different take than this one. The FMF community is a great one. I just haven’t had time to participate recently. I’m glad to be back this week. I have been part of it for many years!
Yes, sometimes the simple solution can be the best. It brought back a memory of when I was about six or seven. My younger brother was complaining of stomach ache and it went on so long that my mum was getting worried and thinking about calling the doctor. Then I suggested, “Maybe he needs to go to the toilet.” He did, and straight away the pain was gone! 🙂
haha! it is funny. obviously, not every problem has a simple solution. but sometimes in trouble-shooting, we forget the simple solutions b/f moving on the complex ones. blessings to you lesley. hope you are doing well.
It’s so good to see you again, Martha!
You inspired a sonnet. I hope you like it.
It really can be tiring,
at least to this man’s eyes,
to sleepless, on retiring,
consider one’s demise.
It’ll certainly be painful,
the death that waits for me,
but days need not be shameful;
cancer earns no victory
if I can keep me head raised high
and live in joy of what I’ve got
and never ever question why
this has been my lot,
for God is great, and He disposes,
and promised not a bed of roses.
thanks andrew:) so glad you stopped by. i’m glad you are still sticking around!
Welcome back!
I loved your title for this prompt. And I can relate to your headache story as I’m prone to migraines.
The medication that I take, which works but tends to sedate at the same time, is in now short supply here in the UK but a similarly afflicted friend recently taught me the latest advice: take some simple ibuprofen and eat something.
It’s the last thing you want to do when your stomach is churning. But it works. I haven’t needed the serious meds in ages or to go home to bed!
welcome liz, i’ve always had headaches, but with perimenopause, i started having quite an assortment of types of headaches, each with its own solution. Now that the hormones have calmed down, so have many of the headaches. But this one is different forcing me to drink more water. always having to change it seems! i’m glad you stopped by from the UK:)
Drinking water is one thing Im actually good at.
haha Tara! well, i have a tendency to get quite a variety of headaches. This was a new one. it was nice to have a fairly simple solution that took about a day for it to work. nice to see you.