The word for today’s Five Minute Friday is routine. Join me and the many others of us who write for five minutes on this word without editing.
Do you ever feel that your life has gotten into a dull routine of sorts? You walk through it sometimes without thinking. The busier your life is, the more you need to depend on routines to get your work done. You don’t have time to think about whether you want to do certain jobs, you just need routine to do them, get them done and out of the way!
Do you ever feel that your life has gotten into a dull routine of sorts? You walk through it sometimes without thinking. The busier your life is, the more you need to depend on routines to get your work done. Share on XWe need routines, but we also need to be intentional so we can think about our priories and not get into deep ruts
Sooner or later, you come to a point where you decide that this isn’t the way you want to live your life. You want to be more intentional about the way you live it. You start rearranging your priorities and thinking through what you want to be doing and why and how you want to do it. If you are married and have a family, of course you can’t simply decide to make the changes you want to make. You need to discuss them with these other family members, particularly your spouse, and come to an agreement regarding what you want to do , why and how.
Sooner or later, you come to a point where you decide this isn't the way you want to live your life. You want to be more intentional about the way you live it. Share on XOften, over the course of your life, you will do a number of resets like that as your family changes with children growing up and moving away, or you or your spouse’s jobs become either more or less demanding. stop
The change that is coming will be cataclysmic! None of us has faced the kind of change that is coming!
But there is coming a day, as this Scripture describes, when there will be a huge change. You will be moving along in your life assuming it will continue the way it always has, and in a similar way that a woman goes into labor or a thief breaks into your home, Christ will come!
You will be moving along in your life assuming it will continue the way it always has, and in a similar way that a woman goes into labor or a thief breaks into your home, Christ will come! POW! Share on XLife, as we have known it, will all be over! That means the story of Creation, Redemption, Salvation, Justification, Sanctification will be done.
This part of our lives that seems so important, will stop and fall away like a shriveling layer of skin that is too small for us. And that will be the case! We will be at the point of Glorification that we say we have been waiting for all along. It will truly be an awesome and amazing event!
But when it actually happens, it is bound to be rather terrifying as well, don’t you think?
Now concerning the times and the seasons, brothers,
you have no need to have anything written to you.
For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come
like a thief in the night.
While people are saying, “There is peace and security,”
then sudden destruction will come upon them
as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
But you are not in darkness, brothers, for that day to surprise you like a thief.
For you are all children of light, children of the day.
We are not of the night or of the darkness.
So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
I Thessalonians 5:1-6
Hey Martha.
Good to ‘run’ into you again on the prompt.
Yes, sometimes we do need a reset don’t we? I find myself in a time of transition these past few months, and things are def not how they have always been. Time for a new routine or else i will waste away my days (though that has been the case most of the time). I need to find a way to be productive, without stressing myself out and for seeking out what God wants to show me in these quieter days.
Thank you for the ultimate reminder of what is to come for those of us who live in the light.
welcome janel:) nice reminder of the retreat we had a few years ago in nashville! writing that post was a great reminder to me of what is important and how quickly everything will change if Christ returns in my lifetime! i find i often live as if it won’t happen for hundreds of years, but it truly could happen anytime…just as my death could happen and i could be with Him:) either way, what a change and what a hope for the future…forever. all because of what Jesus did on Easter so many years ago!
This really got me thinking, Martha, about my routines, about whether this is one of those reset times in my life, and about what faces us in the future. So glad to read your thoughts.
thanks jeannie:) it was so interesting that this was what crossed my mind when i tho’t of routines. we have been studying I Peter…just finished the study and it talks a lot about living our lives in light of the second coming. i have had it on my mind a lot! sometimes it is referred to as the hope of the gospel.
I like when people take an unexpected turn with the word prompt. Great post!
thanks tara:) for some reason, that passage came to mind as i thought about routine. i tho’t of how we will be going about the routines of our lives when Jesus comes and it is going to be anything but routine! it was quite something to think about!
Great reminder, Martha, even for us in faith, to be intentional, to remember to keep the Light burning for those around us in darkness. Thank you for sharing. Glad I had the opportunity to see your website and words. I’ll return!
thanks beth:) i’m glad you stopped by 🙂