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original photo:© littleny -

original photo:© littleny –



It seems like quite awhile since I have written a full post.  Not only does it seem that way, I think it is quite close to true!

I’ll give you a peek into our theme this year.   Personally, I’ll be needing to work on mine for a few months at least!

The series? Trim the Fat in 2014.  No, it isn’t just about losing weight.  Being overweight or struggling with gluttony may not be your area of struggle.  I didn’t have a problem with it until more recently.

Your “fat” may be in other areas, excess “stuff” that needs purging, excess concentration on yourself and yours and not enough on others that are less fortunate, having a lifestyle that is generally wasteful…those are just a few areas.

You may not be working in the same area all year, but you know an area where you need to trim…it may be literal fat, but more likely it is managing as aspect of your finances or your schedule or your health or ___.  You name it.

Think like an athlete!

Just as an athlete needs to be lean and trim in order to run a race…and win, we need to be lean and trim in many areas of life so we can run the race effectively.  No, we don’t have to be serious all the time…or even judgmental of those who aren’t trim in the areas we are.  But many of us already know GOD is calling us to trust Him for help in changing some areas of our lives that aren’t working well.

I’m definitely not here to browbeat you or guilt you into “fixing up” places you don’t want to change.  If you don’t have an area you don’t want to work on right now, this may not be something you’ll participate in.  You’re welcome for sure, because you may learn something from those of us in the middle of changing.

Join us here on Mondays

So join me as we work on trimming the fat in our lives this year…2014.  Be sure to share with me how you’re progressing in the change GOD seems to be leading you toward.  If you have a good week, let us know.  If it was a bad week, for sure, let us know.

We’ll meet on Mondays to link up and share how we are doing on our individual challenges.

So start thinking about one area you want to trust GOD to help you Trim the Fat in 2014.  No, you’re not doing it to earn favor, you’re doing it because you are loved and accepted by Him…if you are His child.

Identify one area of  “fat” that needs trimming

Come join us.  Identify what your first area of fat will be that needs trimming.  In the links, you can share how you are growing as you learn to Trim the Fat...or how it’s not working out.

Either way, we’ll try to find ways to encourage, pray for each other, and help each other as we trust GOD for help in trimming one area of fat in 2014.

The one I’ve chosen is not easy and I’m not quite sure what will even work.  It will definitely be a work in progress.  I know many things that haven’t worked, but not much that has.

This one is going to need GOD’s help  for me.  That much I do know.

Join us as we walk together and encourage and support each other to success.

Blessings this 2014!