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You have found yourself somewhere between being in the hospital with your loved one and the dailyness of caring for him. Some days you feel able to conquer the world and are amazed that you have learned what you have and can care for him as well as fulfill your other responsibilities.

He is the One who cares for us and is writing our story one day at a time as He gives us grace to walk it out. Share on X

Other days, you wonder what will become of you. You see money flying out the door for all the medical expenses, medications, etc. You’re not sure if you will survive this part of your story. How will it end? You don’t want a tragic ending for certain!

At times your story seems so random. You wonder how you got in this situation in the first place. Was GOD paying attention?

Intellectually, you know He is sovereign over all things. But juxtaposing His sovereignty, love and mercy over the story of your life gets difficult when you are plugging along each day, just trying to keep your head above water.

As we walk through the story that is our lives, we need to trust Him by faith, even it is only a speck! Share on X

The only way to see His love and mercy some days is to grab onto Him by faith and trust that what He has said is true. But some days, your faith amounts to a speck! I have mentioned some of that truth here.

As we walk through the story that is our lives, we need to trust Him. He is guiding us each day. He is helping us walk the path He has marked out for us. He is the One who cares for us and is writing our story one day at a time as He gives us grace to walk it out. He is in each line of each day of our story no matter how difficult or how easy it is. Not one word of it has taken Him by surprise…in fact, He planned it out long before we were even born!

Blessed be the Lord,
who daily bears us up;
God is our salvation. 

Psalm 68:19 (ESV)


“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come, 
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread…

Matthew 6:9-11 (ESV)

This is taken from the series I wrote for caregivers, but updated. See the link in the right side of the page. It is orange. The landing page for that series is here.