Photo: Canva.com
This week we have had to take an unexpected pause, thanks to the weather. Has it been refreshing? It remains to be seen. We have had a big freeze here in northern Alabama along with many parts of the nation. It’s not like living in places that are used to this kind of weather. They have lots of sand trucks and plows and life gets back to normal fast. Around here, there may be a sand truck or two for the rare times we get ice or snow. They are available for major roads.
Our weather started with an undercoating of ice. Then an inch or two of snow, then a nice thick glaze of ice on top followed by days of teen and single digit temps. What we thought would be a day or two off work and school, for people affected by that, has evolved into most of the week. Today we got up to 40, but we may get freezing rain this afternoon to undo the melting that took place today. From now on, the weather is supposed to warm up a bit, but Friday and Saturday nights will drop to the teens again. Next week will be in the 50’s and 60’s. Go figure! (This was written January 18, 2024 at the end of Ice Week and just as my house was being torn apart to move. It is now a month later and the house is almost put back together. I have finally found my Canva site that I was unable to find. So I can put up this post and you will understand why this site has been so quiet.)
We still haven’t even gotten mail, despite their motto! I have a few things for the move that I have coming in the mail and am very irritated that they haven’t arrived!
Our House: Sale, Packing, and Moving
We were able to get our house on the market last Saturday and showed it three times on Sunday. We got a total of three offers, all of them good, but one was great and above asking. As the bad weather was coming in, we were remotely signing the contract on Monday and thanking God for taking care of us beyond our expectations.
We have been trying to finish some repairs that needed to be done, the last was going to be done on Monday and of course it was not able to be done this week due to impassable roads. It looks like it won’t get done until next week–assuming the rain will stop long enough to finish one of the repairs. Once the inspection is done, we will know if anything else has to be done. We hope not. (The inspection went well.)
Our daughter from St. Louis is coming to help us with packing this weekend. She can work remotely and will be able to be here 3 or 4 days. She will be a huge help. We are set to move January 25, hoping to get some things settled in a little before that. That is, unless this bad weather delayed the completion of our apartment. (The apt. wasn’t ready until the very last minute, so we weren’t able to move in slowly like I had hoped. Moving day was miserable weather. I felt sorry for the movers.)
The house closing is set for the middle of February so we will have time to clear out the house after we move, but before the closing. This is a luxury we have rarely had. We have some things we are selling in the meantime and what doesn’t sell, we will donate. It is getting pretty clear-cut as I sort more and more. (Everything sold in time. Closing went smoothly this past Tuesday.)
It is a strange feeling to be at the end of your life
We are at the end of the line. I am no longer at a point where I stop to think I might need this for X or Y. I am at the final stage of my life. I don’t have to picture three or four more stages ahead where I might need something.
It is somewhat scary, to be honest. I don’t have new life stages to look forward to. This is it. Yes, I can make the most of this stage–and I plan to. But the reality is, this is the final stage. Ron is not well. He is healthy for his stage in that he doesn’t catch everything that comes along, but he is winding down. I am pretty healthy, but I have my own set of chronic issues too. Watching out for him has kept me going I’m sure.
My usual January reassessments will be taking place in February this year
I usually take January to reassess and look at where I am going, what I am doing and try to recorrect. This year, February is going to be my January. Of course, I have done a little thinking. When you decide to move into a retirement community, you do a lot of thinking ahead of time. When you are sick much of the late Summer and early Fall, you do a lot of assessing too. Much of that thinking led to this decision.
I truly miss the many years Ron and I made decisions together. His perspective was so helpful and needed. It is stressful for me to make these decisions alone. Yes, I get help from my family. But it isn’t the same as it was with him. Yes, I pray. But his help was great along with prayer. I miss his perspective. I also appreciate the great help and support my family has been to me during this time. They have all been very patient and helpful–and encouraging. I appreciate it more often than I express it.
I face the final chapter of my life, not knowing how long that chapter will be. Yet, even in this chapter, I must make the most of the opportunities God gives me. I am to live for His glory each day. I am to share the love of Christ with those God puts in my path. I am to use the gifts God has given me for His glory.
Why? In order to earn brownie points for the next life? No! Rather, to live out who I am in Christ. In Christ, I am a new Creature. I am alive spiritually, I am forgiven. I no longer live under condemnation. That is why I can face death squarely in the face, when it comes.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do.
By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh,
in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.Romans 8:1-4 ESV
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation;
that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself,
not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
II Corinthians 5:17-19 ESV
Listen to me, O house of Jacob,
all the remnant of the house of Israel,
who have been borne by me from before your birth,
carried from the womb;
even to your old age I am he,
and to gray hairs I will carry you.
I have made, and I will bear;
I will carry and will save.Isaiah 46:3-4 ESV
These are a few verses I am finding comfort and refreshment in these days. How about you? Where do you find encouragement and hope from God for the stage of life you are in?
I will soon post a blog about our new life change now that I have all the information I need to post.
Beautiful written, Martha, and an encouragement to all of us in this final stage of life! So thankful our future hope is in God alone, and we can anticipate with joy being with Him someday. God bless you in your new home, and may God’s grace surround you each day! ❤️
thanks for stopping by Evie. you are so right Evie. our hope is in God alone for our present and our future. isn’t it funny how, in many ways we aren’t aware of it until we are weaker and have to lean more and more on Him for our daily strength…physical, emotional, spiritual and all of it!