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Photo of ceramic nativity set.

Photo by Martha G. Brady

This is a rerun from a post from 2015. links have been updated. I thought you might enjoy the content at this point in the month. Martha

Recently, I have come across some fun places to shop. Some are friends, others are places I have shopped. Some are places I’d like to shop that have interesting products. So as you sit in your home, grab a cup of your favorite hot drink, sit in your cozy clothes and do some Christmas shopping for those you love. Sadly, I won’t even benefit financially. I just thought some of these products would be things you would enjoy.

Online Shopping

paint and prose this is a new company. I have known the artist since she was a little girl. They have both seasonal prints and regular ones as well. You’ll enjoy browsing and will no doubt find some things you will want to gift or add to your own home. They are just fun:)

little things studio you will find this treasure. it is a perpetual calendar of 30 days of hymns. Most were familiar to me. But a few were new. The words are beautiful and are a gift to the eyes and the heart. Of course, she has many other gifts there as well. The artist lives in Nashville, TN and her mom handles all the orders from Mississippi. I loved the way the order page was set up because you can make comments re your order when you place it…including any questions you have. Her mom is delightful and very helpful. You will love working with her.

Jesse Tree Set

Are you looking for a simple Jesse tree set? This one is very reasonable, pattern is downloadable and is made of felt. It is similar to a set I saw years ago and haven’t been able to find since. You can simply cut it out or you can add pretty embroidery stitches on your own now or later. It is on so if you are looking for other options, you should be able to find them.

If you look on Pinterest, you can find the whole range of options when it comes to Jesse tree sets. Some are considerably more expensive and detailed. Others can be printed and colored. It isn’t difficult to find the whole range of options. These are downloadable and simple enough that you can make a few at a time. Building on it over time is much easier especially with after Christmas ornament sales when you have time to look!

You will also notice a slight difference in the Catholic and Protestant versions. So you will want to pay attention to that as well.

Advent Devotions

advent calendar for serving others I enjoyed this twist on the advent calendar…finding ways to serve others. You may want to make adjustments for your family. It is a wonderful way to help your family look outward during a time of year when we are inclined to think about what WE want for Christmas.

advent devotions from The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. This will be a great series for all ages of your family. Each day includes a short reading from the book and 2 chapters to read from the Bible. Better still, it will give a helpful overview of the Bible for all your family. You will all learn something that will be helpful…about the purpose of the Bible, who Jesus was and why He came, and what the Gospel is and why Jesus came to provide it for us. It is definitely a book not for children only! I think the discussions you have over these “stories” will be very helpful in your growth in faith together as a family.

Erin, from Home with the Boys, has this printout so all you need to do is follow my link to her blog. Then follow her links to the printout page and you are good to go! Even if you don’t have kids at home, you may enjoy this source for an Advent devotion.

Another one my daughter recommended and I have heard about is Truth in the Tinsel. You can find it here along with an E-book…looks like it isn’t free anymore.

These are a few resources for you both in terms of gifts, crafts and devotions. I hope you enjoy them. Blessings during this Advent Season!