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The working definition I use for hope is confident expectation based on the Person and promises of GOD. When you think about God’s promises, what do you think of?

Based on this definition of hope, I plan to write some posts that remind us of some of GOD’s promises in the next month. Often, I include a mix of characteristics or attributes of GOD mixed with promises. When I include larger Bible passages, it seems that both are often included. This month, I plan, as much as possible, to include only promises. Obviously, we can’t divorce the two. It is only in God’s character that we understand His promises and whether He will even keep them!

God’s character and His ability to keep His promise are inextricably linked together.

Think about His promises to provide for our needs.

  • If He isn’t an omniscient (all-knowing) GOD, how can He even know what we truly need?
  • If He isn’t omnipotent, how would he even have the power to provide for those needs?
  • If not for the fact that He is Creator and Sustainer of the Universe, where would He be able to draw from to provide these needs of ours?
  • If He weren’t righteous and truthful, how would we be able to trust the truth of a promise like this?
  • So you see how the two are so interrelated?

Often, we take for granted things like the fact that GOD is telling the truth, that He has the resources to back His claims, that, after all, He is GOD. We don’t stop to think about the fact that these are not things to take for granted.

As you are struggling to find hope, take these words to heart, particularly if you are a child of GOD.

If you aren’t, you aren’t excluded from the invitation to join the family. Coming into this family is not like joining a country club. It is much more like coming to a hospital, realizing you are sick, ill and in need of supernatural intervention or you will die spiritually. He is the only One who can bring you to life.

So today, as I write to women mostly, who are lonely, depressed, sometimes overwhelmed, I have some promises to share with you. They come from the eternal GOD of the universe, the Creator. The One who is omnipotent, omniscient, holy, just and righteous…to name just a few of His attributes.

And my God will supply every need of yours
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.

Philippians 4:19-20 ESV

Although this promise was made in the context of thanks for a financial gift, the promise doesn’t seem to be limited to simply finances. It says my God will supply every need… That is a tremendous promise for us to claim. The limit is only based on the riches of Christ! They have no limit.

A quote from Tim Keller has been helpful to me as well. It seems to pull many of these truths together. Of course, Tim Keller isn’t inspired like the Bible is, but these words are infused with a lot of Biblical truth.

“God will either give us what we ask or
give us what we would have asked

if we knew everything he knows.”

Tim Keller

How does the promise and quote affect your hope? How does it affect your daily walk of faith?

Action Point: Think about this and jot down some concrete ways this promise of GOD’s supply of every need of yours can affect you. What needs are you aware of? What physical needs? What emotional needs? What spiritual needs? What psychological needs?

Don’t get lost in the weeds on this question, but think through maybe 3-5 of the top most felt needs you have. If you are drawing a blank, ask GOD to bring them to mind. He will. Don’t  over spiritualize your answers. Ask God to help you be concrete in your replies. How does He want you to trust Him to supply your needs in some specific areas? Writing it down will be helpful for you.