Yes, I know this isn’t Instagram. I have had an Instagram gliche this past week and no matter what I do, it isn’t ungliching.l Rather than completely missing out on this Hopewriters challenge, I decided to just pretend my blog was an Integral page since I don’t have much of an Instagram following. It’s not ideal, but I just had to punt! That has been the story of my month when it comes to technology!
This is the time of year when HopeWriters is open for new members.
This is the time of year when new members are allowed into HopeWriters. It only happens three times a year. Membership will close at midnight on Friday night 9/18/2020. Here is a link for you to take a quick quiz to see where you fall in that visual above on the path of a writer. Use the link below to follow if you take the quiz and decide to join because I will benefit.
You can also click the Hope Writer Affiliate link to the right. I can give you many reasons why it is a great idea to join HopeWriters. It’s a great place to develop your writing skills no matter where you start. Basically you will learn more about about both the business of writing and the art of writing AND you will find people to network with as well. So this is my little commercial. Make a comment below if you have questions for me or want to know more and I will reply via email. Click here for my affiliate link and quiz.
So here we go. My IG posts are all ready. I’ll be doing some today and finish them up on Monday. (They were supposed to be done this past week. It was fun to get them ready. Miserable to try to post them when nothing seemed to work.
Day 1: Collaborate
Meshing gears so the engine moves forward with power and energy that it wouldn’t have without the help of the gears that collaborate. It’s the same with people and projects. Collaborations work well because the ways our different minds and backgrounds work together births something that no one of us would be able to do apart from the group.
It’s interesting to watch how we often play off one another. At least when we have had a strong working relationship based on trust and respect. Collaborations build great projects, but there is no space for pride or the desire for personal recognition.
Those working on the project must see themselves as a group who contribute to the whole. Often, the quieter members can be ignored because their contributions aren’t as obvious. But the number of words used in discussion doesn’t equal the wisest words spoken. #writebettertogether #collaborate #hopewriters
Day 2: Craft
To craft is to make something with skill. It takes time to develop skill. Whether it is skill in writing, quilting, parenting, nursing, teaching…You name the skill and realize it takes time to develop that skill no matter how much talent you have.
You take seminars, courses, you work with others to improve your skills, but most of all, as with any skill, you must practice. The more you practice, the more you improve.
Remembering that writing is a skill to be developed can be helpful since we all feel we have room to grow in our writing.That’s why we need to be around other writers who talk about how they got where they are; how they discipline themselves; how they find ways to grow; how they continue to develop their craft; what kinds of skills they practice.
It helps us realize there is not one single path for everyone. Yes, there are some basic things that need to be done, but each person has a different way of getting where they need to go. It is often in a different order for some than for others. But it helps to keep informed by others who are developing their skills each day.#writebettertogether #craft #hopewriters
Day 3: Courage
Courage is winning the victory over fear! In order to have courage, a person is going to have fear. In the case of someone running out in font of a car to save a child, it is fleeting because everything happens so fast, but it is there somewhere. However, the love for the child or the concern for the child is so strong, they are willing to risk their life to save her.
I’m sure you can think of countless examples of this in everyday life. Think of the good policeman, fireman, soldier, or the mother who puts her life on the line when giving birth to a child. The first three are motivated by a desire to protect people whether we agree with the specific ways they do it. (a war you don’t believe in) That is not the issue for the soldier. He is committed to those above him and in general to protect his nation. It is not his job to decide if he agrees with their decisions about the war, He is there to defend his country.
We can’t deny that it takes a lot of courage to go into battle to protect your country knowing you may not come out of it alive. The same goes for a policeman who is in danger all the time of being shot by criminals or firemen who are working in very dangerous conditions (fires). The list goes on of the many people in our society who have jobs that put them in danger of some sort, and who couragely move into that job because of their desire to help people.
For some of us, courage comes in taking the first step in the direction of writing. We know GOD is calling us to write to influence others in a certain direction. But we have a long list of reasons why we don’t meet the requirements we have for the person to do the job. Remember Moses? He had a long list of excuses for GOD too! It was at the burning bush when GOD called him to lead His people out of Egypt. But GOD is also the One who equips us to do the job He calls us to do! It may be that HopeWriters is one way He is providing a way for you to be equipped. Don’t allow the fear to overwhelm the courage he wants to build in you.
But you may be dealing with fear in another area. We must have courage to write truthfully. There are times when the truth, as we see it, is very unpopular and goes against the cultural grain. It will not sell massive amounts of books or make us popular as a writer, at least it is not likely to. We must search our hearts before GOD. Have I written truth in a kind way or am I writing it in a spirit of arrogance? Do I care for those who I believe are not walking in the truth I believe in? Or am I wanting to split fine hairs that can lead to a divisive spirit among GOD’s people? These are only some of the questions we need to think about when it comes to courage. Speaking truthfully doesn’t mean I need to alienate all who don’t believe everything I do. #writebettertogether #courage #hopewriters
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