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signposts, scars

Photo by Thandy Yung on Unsplash

When I look back over the various chapters of my life, I see a variety of scars at different points. They remind me of some hard times. Some were very sad. Others were very difficult. There are one or two that still make no sense to me at all, even now. Until recently, the thought of one of them makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. That’s how bizarre it was.

But there is something about each scar that is like a signpost. I remember what I learned about GOD with that scar. I remember what I learned about people and life with this other scar. I remember what I learned about reconciliation…with GOD, man or both with that scar over there.

In some cases, I learned about grief…and how it doesn’t truly end. The open wound heals, but the grief and loss is always there. The acuteness of the pain isn’t as bad 20 and 30 years later. But the loss and its scar is always there.

I learned about myself…that I don’t have the sweet, kind motives I wish I had all the time. GOD is working on me and changing me. But I’m not at the place I wish I was.

Until we can get honest with ourselves when we are going through these hard times, it will be difficult to be honest with GOD. He can help us there for sure. We love to deceive ourselves when it comes to our motives.

Recently, I heard someone say, “We believe our own press releases.” So often, they are meant to put a positive spin on what is happening. They aren’t always the full truth! 

When you notice or remember a scar and how it came to be there, think about what you learned from it and its corresponding wound.

So when you are walking along through life and see or remember one of the scars in your life, take a few minutes to remember what you learned from that wound and its left over scar. If it was a few years ago, you may need to take a few minutes out to remember…but it will be worth it!

So when you are walking along through life and see or remember one of the scars in your life, take a few minutes to remember what you learned from that wound and its left over scar. Share on X

Then remember the GOD who has been with you in the hard times since. And think about the plans you have wanted to work out and how GOD worked them out differently from your plan…and His plan worked out to be a much better plan long term! Reminds me of this Scripture:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts; 
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9

It is a reminder that the GOD we worship is so much bigger than we are. A recent quote I heard recently is by Tim Keller in reference to prayer. It reminds me of this same truth. “God will either give us what we ask or give us what we would have asked if we knew everything he knows.”

Call to Action:Think back over your scars, seen and unseen. How have they helped you lean on Jesus? How have they helped you understand your need of the gospel? How have they helped you mature and in what ways?

For your action step, it will probably be more helpful to think of only one or two and think through how they helped you in the above stated ways. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving to GOD for what He taught you about life/how He matured you/ what He taught you about Him during that incident.