It seems that the past couple of years have been colored with the word tired. It hasn’t been from too much activity or exercise, but it has been the emotional tired that comes from watching a loved one go downhill and feeling that the things you try to do to help aren’t working. Obviously, I knew that not everything would work. That is the name of the game when it comes to issues with the brain, but at various checkpoints, I found myself becoming overwhelmingly discouraged as I watched my husband seem to go downhill.
It seems that the past couple of years have been colored with the word tired. It hasn't been from too much activity or exercise, but it has been the emotional tired that comes from watching a loved one go downhill. Share on XI knew that depression played a part. It was being treated. But there was also the problem of not over treating him with medications that the doctor was trying to take into consideration as well. On our last visit, his medication was increased. The difference has been quite dramatic! stop He wakes up in the mornings now…and gets up! He isn’t falling back to sleep either.
When you have been married as long as we have, you realize how connected you are. You realize how much you make up for each other too. So that when one of you is “injured”, it affects the other. Or when one of you is doing well, it also affects the other.
Ron’s improvement in the past month, although it hasn’t improved some of his other symptoms, has cheered me up and energized me. I find myself relaxing more. I don’t have to go through the stress of trying to wake him up repeatedly only to return and find him back in the bed. He is now awake. He is getting ready to go places. Yes, he is still slow and we will still probably be late wherever we go, but I haven’t had to work as hard to get us there.
Ron's improvement in the past month, although it hasn't improved some of his other symptoms, has cheered me up and energized me. I find myself relaxing more. Share on XBaby steps. We are both less tired. Some of our emotions are healing. I am learning to trust GOD more as well…as I have through this whole process.
Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
his understanding is unsearchable.
He gives power to the faint,
and to him who has no might he increases strength.
Even youths shall faint and be weary,
and young men shall fall exhausted;
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.Isaiah 40:28-31
I’m so glad that Ron is awake now! I know how caring for something who isn’t interested in life can really wear a person down.
i find it especially hard…i like to keep people happy…since childhood! in adulthood, i have had to learn that isn’t realistic. but it’s hard when i can’t get him awake:( it just isn’t like him at all!
Thank the Lord for “baby steps” ….signs of healing and moving forward! Glad you are able to appreciate even the small steps. Praying for continued strength for both of you.
thanks jennifer. at this point, i’m grateful even for baby steps:)
This is interesting, Martha, because just last Sunday our pastor preached from Romans, about encouraging others in times of spiritual and emotional drain. Thanks for sharing your experience; I’m glad to hear that you’re starting to feel less tired through this difficult process. Thanks for sharing from Isaiah 40, too — those are the verses I focused on in my FMF post as well. It is SUCH an encouraging passage.
Jeannie (#60 in this week’s linkup)
thanks for stopping by jeannie:) yes, encouraging each other is definitely helpful. i have often found isaiah 40 to be helpful…both the verses i shared and many other verses in that chapter. i’ll have to take a look at your post:)
So grateful for improvements — and you have well described an aspect of being married for awhile:
When you have been married as long as we have, you realize how connected you are.
You realize how much you make up for each other too. So that when one of you is
“injured”, it affects the other. Or when one of you is doing well, it also affects the
other also.
My husband had MOHS surgery this week — soon after we both recovered from this winter’s bugs . . . TIRED about sums up how we feel. The gift is we have each other — and that God showed Himself to us so that our marriage hasn’t just survived — but is living.
You piece encourages me that each day has its own problems, yes — but look for reminders — like the promise from Isaiah that baby steps are just fine for those of us who are shuffling along!
great comment Barb:) so true! i find that recovering from big things like illness, surgery or emotional events takes extra time. we have days we just have to stay home and i stay in my PJ’s. sometimes all i’m doing is housework, sometimes i’m much less busy. but i call them my PJ days when i just don’t get out and recover from whatever it is i need to catch up from. sounds like you all have had quite the challenges! blessings girl:)
Sweet post. I am blessed both by the comforting verses and the truth of how we become one flesh with our spouse.
Praying/claiming for you the truths in those Isaiah verses and the prayer of Col 1:11,12 that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled joy, always thanking the Father.
thanks so much Kay. i miss seeing you but i’m sure that campaign has you very busy. i can’t even imagine!
I’m so glad you’re hubby is feeling better, Martha! It is true. We do tend to reflect our spouse’s situations. When my husband is hurting (back issues), I always feel bad for him, and a little subdued around our boys. May he continue to grow stronger, and may you continue to be encouraged!
yes jeanne, as much as i try to separate myself a bit, we are too tightly entwined after almost 50 years now to be able to just go back to an earlier time. oneness has happened. it is often hard to tell where i end and he begins. so when he does well, so do i and when he isn’t doing well, i don’t either:( blessings.
I’m glad things have been a bit easier for you both, and I love those verses from Isaiah and God’s promise to give us strength when we are weary.
yes lesley:) i have appreciated them often over the years. that whole chapter is a very encouraging one! (isaiah 40)
Beautifully written to express such a deep truth. I have been through so much of that these last six years as well. Having it be your husband makes it even tougher. I’m so glad to read God is giving you some encouragement and hope.
I’m new here and write on conveying Christ to kids–not a forum that my today’s post would work with. But I can so relate to your exhaustion.
nice to meet you lisa:) i’m glad you stopped by. i’ll have to stop at your blog and take a look. thanks so much for your kind words.
I pray that this renewed sense of peace continues. Sounds like this new medication has been good for you both.
yes tara:) encouraging for me, uplifting for him:)