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depend, care

graphic: Martha G. Brady

Who of us wants to be in a situation where we have to depend on someone else to care for us? None of us wants that! We love our independence. We love to be able to decide when we are going to have our meals, when we are going to exercise, when we are going to get up and move around. None of us wants to have to wait for help to get to the bathroom or to get out of bed. It’s a nuisance…for us and may be for some who have to care for us.

Who of us wants to be in a situation where we have to depend on someone else to care for us? Share on X

During the month of October, I’m going to join my friends and write a 31 day series. It is for caretakers. You are the ones someone depends on for care…at least some of the time. You are needed. Sometimes, the person you care for can get around pretty well and needs minor care. Other times, they need a lot of help and monitoring. Sometimes they are confused and you need to know where they are at all times. Many fall somewhere in between.

Some kinds of care taking are not very difficult. stop  Others can be very demanding, both physically and emotionally. Our series will mostly focus on the caretaker, not the one being cared for. That’s why I focused on that person today.

At times, this is the person who gets lost in the shuffle of appointments, duties, care taking jobs and other details that must be done. We sometimes forget that under all those details, there is a living, breathing person that we love who is present. That person has emotional and spiritual needs along with their physical needs. We personally will not be able to meet all those needs. It will not happen if we caretakers are going to survive this mission.

Frankly, I’m fairly new to this journey and I hope to learn by writing this series. I hope to gain insight into this topic and get new ideas for my situation and that of others who are or have been walking this often lonely path. I also plan to share some of what I have learned along the way on my journey as well. This may also help you prepare for the future if you see potential problems on the horizon.

So come join us starting Sunday, October 1. Right here. If you are a caretaker yourself, hopefully you will be encouraged. You may be able to encourage others here as well. I hope you will find hope and encouragement here.

 On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples
   a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wine,
 of rich food full of marrow,
of aged wine well refined.

He will swallow up death forever;
    and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces,
 and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth,
    for the Lord has spoken. 

It will be said on that day,
    “Behold, this is our God; we have waited for him, that he might save us.
This is the Lord; we have waited for him;
    let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”

Isaiah 25:6, 8-9