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graphic: Martha G. Brady

What inspires me?

The opportunities to express my creativity inspire me greatly. Generally, that is shown in my quilting. More recently I have been making time for the fun of it and it has inspired me. It energizes a part of my spirit as I think of color and pattern and what I want to put together. For those who don’t think that way, you wouldn’t understand. For those who do, there is nothing like it to feed your inspiration and creativity and make you feel alive!

Another thing that inspires me on a much more limited basis is having a clean and neat house! I don’t enjoy the process as much as the end result. Unfortunately, too many other things have gotten in the way of it recently, but when I have a clean, neat house, I am able to think better and feel energized. Everything is in its place and in order. My brain is in order. All is right with the world. In order to do that, it seems I am always working at this and never able to do the things I love. So I compromise in this area.     stop

But by far, the most inspiring thing for me, is to watch GOD working in the lives of people I know and love. I have a few individuals I am responsible for outside of my family (the most important!) I have touched the lives of quite a few over the years in 6 different churches where my husband pastored or was on staff. Now I am a member of another church where I am involved. (Ron is never a member of a local church, but of the presbytery.)

The most inspiring thing for me, is to watch GOD working in the lives of people I know and love. Share on X

Along the way, I have seen GOD work in the lives of people. On occasion, He even used me. But often, He didn’t. It really didn’t make any difference. It has been inspiring to see that He was working. It didn’t all depend on me. It depended on Him. He was totally up to the task of keeping His people.

When either we or others moved on, I didn’t have to worry about whether GOD would take care of them. He did. Yes, they may have gone through hard times. But He cared for them and often met them in those hard times in ways they never would have known him otherwise.

With the advent of Facebook, we are coming across people we haven’t heard from in years and years. It is inspiring to hear how GOD has cared for them and grown them over all this time…even without us! (Yes, I’m so joking.) We’ve always seen ourselves as a way station at a certain point in peoples’ lives and Christian growth, not the people meant to be there forever.

It is inspiring to hear how GOD has cared for them and grown them over all this time. Share on X

So, that is why I still stay involved in the lives of people. I love it. It inspires me to watch GOD at work, changing hearts, moving them toward Him, believing the truth about Him and the truth about themselves. There is nothing in this world that is more exciting and inspiring as this kind of work.

And I am sure of this,
that he who began a good work in you
will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6