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photo: Martha G. Brady

Is there anything more loyal than a family dog? I haven’t seen a better example. We’re out here visiting our grands. This year, they got a family dog, a chocolate lab. His name is Hudson. Of course, they adore him.

He is wild about them too! He wants to please them and make them happy. It’s nice if he can be happy in return of course. When they are happy with him, they rub his fur, play with him in the yard, run with him and give him treats. That is great.

When he does something wrong, they are unhappy with him and he has to go in his crate at times he doesn’t want to…or away from their presence when he would like to be with them.

But often, as I watch him, despite his puppiness, I see him watching to see what will make them happy. He watches for his master to come home at the end of the day and runs to see him. What makes him happy? Hudson wants to do it.

I see him watching to see what will make them happy. Share on X

As my daughter trains him to walk on the leash, he bounces ahead of her until she pulls the leash to keep him close to her so he will learn not to run ahead and pull on it.     stop

He is fortunate to be in a good family that cares for him well and trains him to behave. He doesn’t have to fear being beaten or mistreated. All his needs are cared for. They watch to see that his skin is cared for and in good condition. He is fed well and the food that can harm him are kept away from him.

He returns the favor by being loyal to them. If a stranger comes, he barks to warn them of danger. He knows who his people are and wants to keep them safe. He watches to keep them happy. He is alert to their needs…as alert as a 7 month old puppy can be.

He returns the favor by being loyal to them. If a stranger comes, he barks to warn them of danger. Share on X

We aren’t puppy dogs of course. But among GOD’s people, we need to think about how loyal we are within the family of GOD…healthy loyalty that is.

Do we major on trivial differences that keep us from getting along?

Do we understand that we are a different people in the culture where we live?

There are many ways where we can be loyal to each other. No, not in every way, but in a post-Christian culture, let us be loyal to those with whom we can stand together in Christ in a very dark world.

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
a people for his own possession,
that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness
into his marvelous light.

Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people;
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
I Peter 2:9-10