“Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness,
and his upper rooms by injustice,
who makes his neighbor serve him for nothing
and does not give him his wages,
who says, ‘I will build myself a great house
with spacious upper rooms,’
who cuts out windows for it,
paneling it with cedar
and painting it with vermilion.Jeremiah 22:13-14
We who are strong have an obligation
to bear with the failings of the weak,
and not to please ourselves.
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good,
to build him up.
For Christ did not please himself,
but as it is written,
“The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.”Romans 15:1-3
I wrote my FMF post last night…then I watched the news as police in Dallas were ambushed by someone who “hated white people, specifically white policemen.” I had to write a new one!
Earlier in the day I watched as black leaders went on TV and stirred up the anger in their communities more with inflammatory language. I have watched this happen in the past as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in particular, come alive in front of the TV cameras.
Yesterday, one newswoman even asked Jesse Jackson to be more moderate in his language, as he confidently spoke of what motivated a policeman to shoot a victim. Since the investigation isn’t in yet, no one knows all the facts of the case, least of all him. He refused. A broad brush condemnation of all police, when these shootings happen, does nothing to encourage and build up. It only inflames emotion and encourages people to act out in negative ways. stop
What does Godly leadership look like?
Is this the kind of leadership that is Godly or even positive? Not according to Scripture. There are some police who are not good, some who are incompetent, some who are racist. But to paint all with a broad brush and encourage evil people in their desires to rid themselves of people placed in our communities for the purpose of justice and protection? Or to go to another community that had nothing to do with the killings and attack their police?
These behaviors do not build up individuals or a community. As I have listened to Dallas Police Chief David Brown express feelings of many police, I have found that he expresses himself well. Men like this are worth listening to. He expressed both the sadness and loss of the police after the death of their friends. But also the frustration of lack of support by upper echelons of leadership in government when they are trying to do their jobs!
Racism is only one negative element that is happening in our communities. Other elements are gangs, evil, sinful behavior, people trying to cover up their sinful behavior, drug abuse, people abuse, and so much more.
Racism is only one negative element that is happening in our communities. Other elements are evil, sinful behavior... Share on X
We need good leaders. What do they look like?
We need people with Godly leadership ability…and I don’t mean that they are spouting Bible verses all the time. Some may not even be Christians per se, but they exhibit wise behavior and are full of the kind of wisdom spoken of in the Bible. They are not full of themselves, but care about the people they are leading and what is best for them. They are interested in building up the people they are leading, not building up themselves. (see above: Romans 15:1-3)
I found it interesting this morning to hear many in Dallas talking about leadership and how it is desperately needed in our country in order for us to solve this crisis we are facing…one of many. I think they are right. We have too many “leaders” who are looking out for themselves much more than they are looking out for the people they are supposed to be leading. This goes for our community leaders, church leaders, school leaders, nation leaders and leaders in our homes!
We need godly leaders. They are interested in building up the people they are leading, not building up themselves. Share on X
Good leaders will be building up in their sphere of influence, not tearing down.
Let us pray to the end that GOD will raise up the kind of leaders needed in our communities that will build up rather than tear down. That He will open our eyes to the ones who are already there working and leading in quiet ways that we didn’t notice, to build up.
So many people motivated by fear, which can never be a reason for anything. And yes we need more Godly leaders for sure, and also leaders who don’t use fear as a motivator for anything. Leaders who are willing to speak truth, not just spout opinions. Thanks for posting this.
so true allison. fear and solutions don’t mix. i do think prayer is going to help us find solutions…that combined with truthful, loving conversations. we can pray to the end that GOD will work to that end!
Excellent post on a truly dark day in the U.S. Wide leadership according to God’s definition of wisdom is desperately needed in these days. May we see more leaders in each facet of society stand up and walk after the heart of God in the way they lead. Blessings to you! FMF #41
thank you for stopping by desire. i am grateful that you stopped by. leaders who will put the interests of others ahead of themselves seem to be more and more rare don’t they? so sad.
Don’t even get me started on Jackson and Al Sharpton lady. They infuriate me! Our country will be better off when they aren’t around to stir the pot any longer …race was moving toward the right direction until their big mouth, attention seeking, arrogance came along….yep, I’m making you look moderate again, lol.
i usually don’t like to bring up names, but I was really upset with jackson a couples of nights ago. he has no idea if that policeman was a racist. he might have just been scared and not competent. we do not know! i feel terrible for his little daughter:( it was horrible! but a comment like that from jackson b/f anyone knows the details of the case was irresponsible! his words carry a lot of weight for many.
I appreciate people like Martin Luther King more and more every day! He was a very wise man.
Yes, Jackson often acts very irresponsibly. I do feel for the little girl, no child should ever have to see that.
MLK definitely had a lot of wisdom, we could use another man like him today for certain. But I’m not sure the masses would listen like they did back then.
people respond well to humility…all of us do. much of the leadership is too arrogant for that. truthfully, most whites are too. lisha had a list of books and videos to listen to, read and watch and i bumped into some from michelle higgins. i know people involved in the church her husband serves in downtown st. louis. they were among those who have been helpful in the dialog with PCA leaders in working on this repentance statement that was recently approved. in a denomination with strong southern roots, it has been no small thing.
the interview i included today on fb was very helpful along with a recent book i read by rosaria butterfield in terms of evangelizing and integrating with people i don’t often rub up against with (now that i’m not working). my heart is changing more and more in areas i was much more rigid. i think it has to do with GOD working to soften the heart of stone. if so, that is good!
We indeed need Godly leaders. Great post. I’m over in the 5 spot this week.
glad you came by tara:) yes, i stopped by. praying for Dallas and our country today:(
I do not envy those in leadership positions in the US government right now. So true that leadership is so important.
I am not an American, nor do I live in the States, but have had my heart tug by what is taking place in your part of the world. Just as in other places of the world, I see fear fuelling hatred, walls and violence. I have been praying for your country, but also the refugees who are sweltering in the desert because fear has grown walls. You are right that it is one of many awful happenings. Only Christ can truly move our hearts from fear to faith to hope to love. I will continue praying and trusting.
you are so right anna. there has never been a time when our country has needed more prayer than now. i fear that we have become so self sufficient, we didn’t realize how much we needed Jesus. it is beginning to sink in. we are a very proud people. i hope it isn’t too late for us.
Martha: I tend to agree with you. My post today addresses the emotion of it all. When we allow our emotions to control outcomes it’s never ends well. thanks for your share today.
thanks kimberly. i wasn’t totally happy with how this post all came out, and tho’t of 5 better posts after I did it, but couldn’t spend all day writing my 5 minute post:( it is all so complicated. i know my few words won’t solve all the issues. however, i do know that the leaders many follow and listen to are doing a disservice to their people. for that i am very sad…and angry! i’m getting started on my visits to the posts. i hope to get to yours soon:)
I understand and relate. May God’s peace keep you.
and to you too kimberly.