You are my hiding place;
you will protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs of deliverance.
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.Psalm 32:7-8 (NIV)
This is one of a few passages that came to mind as I thought of this word-protect-tonight. Last week, we were in Mobile, AL at our General Assembly. It’s the last one we expect to attend. We’re saying, “Good-bye.” to a very happy part of ministry life. General Assembly has always been so encouraging and uplifting with seminars to attend, opportunities for fellowship with old friends and meeting new ones as well. The worship times are always outstanding with the hymns sung by more enthusiastic masculine voices than normal. There is nothing like it.
For me, the great part of the meetings is catching up with old friends from the different places we have lived. It’s a bit like roulette in the sense that I rarely know who I’ll be catching up with. But I always serendipitously run into people from our past lives that I get a chance to visit with.
You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Share on X
Seeing people from all our past connections
Sometimes, it is people I knew growing up at Bethany Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale in the 1950’s; at other times, it might be people I knew from Ben Lippen or Columbia Bible College in the 1960’s; on rare occasions, it might be someone I knew from nursing in Philadelphia; but often, it is someone I knew from churches we served in Plantation, FL (outside of Ft. Lauderdale) where we served the first few years of our marriage (and where my grandparents lived after my parents went back overseas). I sometimes bump into people we knew in Jamaica (where we lived in the 1970’s), Miami, FL, Tyler, TX or Hanna City, IL as well. stop
Now, I even run into people who know our daughter and her husband better…the ones who served in Ukraine and have been in seminary. One thing is for sure, it is always interesting and educational. But I digress.
Reminiscing over GOD’s protection and guidance over 40+ years has been very encouraging!
Conversations this year particularly, helped me realize that GOD protected and guided us so well and wisely over our almost 48 years of marriage, most of which was spent in full time ministry to others. Looking back and reminiscing with others who are retired or retiring has been good for the soul. It has been good to see GOD’s hand that guided us through some very hard times, fun times, wonderful times, delightful times and also through a lot of drudgery as well.
When my hope was weak, I watched GOD’s work in the lives of others
One of my friends, who I didn’t know well at the time, lost her nearly 40 year old husband to a sudden heart attack quite a few years ago. I can’t remember if this was part of the Scripture that was read at the funeral or if we sang it. But I do know that the next day in our Sunday worship service, we did sing this song. It is mentally linked with that weekend in my mind and her loss at the time.
Her children are all grown now, with families of their own. But I remember that promise of GOD’s protection and guidance for her…as well as for His people, through the generations.
He is our hiding place. Whatever the needs we face. Whatever challenges come.
He will protect and surround us with songs of deliverance. Hallelujah!
It is true for pastor’s wives who are sometimes without work and are now retired. It was true for my friend who was alone and raising children without her high school sweetheart. It can be true for you as well.
Powerful testimony of the help and hope we have in our Lord! I particularly appreciated how you extended that help and hope to your reader, and to me! It’s a joy to stop over today. May God bless you as you continue to serve Him!
thanks julie:) blessings!
I love how restrospection helps us understand God’s protection in a whole new light.
so true anita:) blessings today:)
Love how you are embracing ‘change.’ Good for you! I loved your post.
thanks karen:) glad you stopped by.
What a neat post Martha (there have been several this week). Bittersweet for sure, as you plan this to be your last, and you got sick too.
We used to enjoy going to a large gathering every year in our previous congregation. We’ve done other conferences–similar but different. Haven’t thought to see if the E-free has something like that. We do enjoy our local homeschool conference every year..seeing old friends, children grown, some beginning their home ed journey. Fun times for sure.
yes Christy, it is something i will definitely miss. there are always great seminars, teaching sessions, amazing worship each nite…with lusty singing that is overloaded with men’s voices. Beautiful and rich!
for me, the business is generally incidental, apart from a few major issues. ron enjoys the reports and often many of the issues as well. but with his newer limitations, it is becoming more difficult for him to follow it all and he tires more quickly.
i hated missing part II of our vacation. it was going to include more visits to old haunts. but it was good we came home. it has taken most of the week for me to feel up to par.
The Bible always has an encouragement for us, whatever the circumstance. It’s amazing how God’s Word will spring to mind appropriate for the situation
i agree lizzy. that’s why i sprinkle so much of it throughout my blog. what i have to say may or may not be worth listening to. but GOD’s Word has a way of digging into our souls and bringing about change!
Great post. I love the promises found in the psalms. I’m in the 54 spot this week.
thanks tara:) glad you stopped by. it’s unusual for me to get on before you! i’ll have to check you out.
Martha, what a great post! It is like creating a memorial when we go back over our lives (especially with people we’ve known in different seasons) and see the many ways God protected, provided, comforted and encouraged. I love the verses you shared, and the songs that came to mind that I know from those verses. You’ve done a lot of living and ministering in 48 years, from the sound of it. 🙂
Beautiful post and reminders today!
thanks jeanne. yes, 48 years gives a lot of time to watch GOD work not only in my life, but in the lives of others to whom we have ministered. it has always been so interesting to see how He works and turns situations upside down for His glory. I love how He does it…often changing people in the process. blessings jeanne. hope the rest of your summer goes well.