What happens in the quiet?
When no one is nearby to watch.
When the hustle and bustle of the day has stopped.
When all have gone to bed?
Babies wake up and are rocked and fed.
Their mommas cuddle them.
Knowing that this stage of life won’t last long
Later on, when kids are leaving the nest,
Women go through another Change.
They can’t always sleep at night.
Sometimes they have hot flashes too.
Once again, quiet can become a friend.
Names and faces come to mind
When sleep won’t.
They need to be taken to the Throne of grace.
During the quiet of those nights and early mornings,
GOD’s peace wraps around them as their thoughts can get a little crazed.
I learn to love the quiet when I can enjoy time with Him. stop
Quiet is also good for me to enjoy thinking and processing my day
Or my life…
What is happening?
Why is this angering me so much?
Why is that touching such a deep place in my heart?
Why am I so fearful about this?
Quiet provides a space… and time to think.
Because I am in Christ, He is always there to prod my thinking.
He helps untangle the confusion and tangled thoughts.
He quiets the stormy heart.
And I can move out into the world
I am totally feeling this post, Martha. I am starting now to experience those times at night when I just lay awake staring at the wall while fanning myself through (very mild thus far) hot flashes. I need to start making an effort to pray while I’m doing it. Thanks for the encouragement.
~visiting from FMF (I’m way down at #117)
welcome lynette:) i don’t envy the state you are in right now. its no fun. but GOD will help you live through this period of your life too and your faith will deepen for sure!
I loved your words. They feel like poetry.
thanks gabriele:) you are kind. i hope you are doing well. i have been taking an online course and haven’t been writing as much as usual. i hope to be back to my usual speed soon.
I like your post. I agree that those times of quiet are so important to process events and our reactions to them and let God speak to us about them and “help untangle the confusion.” Hope you have a great weekend.
you too carly:) blessings.
Hi Martha! I am new to this whole blog scene and five minute friday! So this is my first post! I really enjoyed your FMF post! I can really relate when you said “He quiets the stormy heart. And I can move out into the world, that is definitely not quiet.” This world that we live in, is so loud. It seems everywhere we go, the society we live in tries to yell a different message at us. I look forward to reading more of your post that have such a great God centered message!
-Amanda from Love Kinesis
thank you amanda:) i’m so glad you came by. welcome to the blog world as well as five minute friday. it is my fun thing for the week:) blessings!