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graphic: Martha G. Brady

graphic: Martha G. Brady

Be sober-minded; be watchful.

Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion,

seeking someone to devour.

Resist him, firm in your faith,

knowing that the same kinds of suffering

are being experienced by your brotherhood

throughout the world.  

And after you have suffered a little while,

the God of all grace, 

who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ,

will himself restore, confirm,

strengthen, and establish you.

 To him be the dominion forever and ever.


I Peter 5:8-11


The God of all grace, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. Share on X

After this period of suffering on earth is over…dealing with sin, fighting the devil, and suffering too, GOD will bring us to His eternal glory.

In the process He will have restored, confirmed, strengthened and established us. What a great passage! Each time I read it, I see more to be encouraged about, in the middle of difficulty.

GOD is restoring His people

GOD is restoring His people! We will come full circle from the Fall in Genesis. It makes me want to wave a huge flag and yell, “To the Restoration…and beyond!”

Won’t it be a wonderful? No more suffering. No more sin to deal with. We will all be restored to the way we were meant to be, the way we were created to be before sin marred the image of GOD in us.

Until that day comes, we will need to be watchful for that devouring lion who wants to destroy us. We need to resist him and stand firm in our faith, even in times of suffering.

Our suffering & fighting off sin is only temporary.

It is also not pointless.

This also gives us that eternal perspective on our lives and suffering. We realize that what is happening is not forever. It is temporary. It is also not pointless.

This gives us that eternal perspective on our lives & suffering. We realize that what is happening is not forever, nor is it pointless. Share on X

GOD is using even the hard times and apparently unfair experiences to bring some level of restoration to us now, as well as confirm us, strengthen and establish us.

It isn’t pleasant or pointless. It is all going somewhere. GOD is using all of it for a purpose now. But it will be over someday.

That’s when our full restoration will take place. What a delight!

Where do you need to see hope for GOD’s ministry of restoration in your life?

When have you seen more change in your life…from suffering or from prosperity?
