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photo: weekly snaps

photo: weekly snaps

One door closes, another opens.

That’s what we often hear.

But sometimes, it isn’t quite that simple.

Sometimes, a door slams shut

And we look around and don’t see another door around…anywhere.


We wonder.

What is GOD up to?

What are we supposed to do next?

How will we feed our family ?

What will become of us?


We keep walking on the steady path.

But it seems to get darker and darker.

We soon realize that it is becoming more and more difficult to see our way!

But just ahead, off to the side, we see a glimmer of light.

As we get closer and closer, the light becomes becomes brighter.


We see a small cottage just ahead.                    STOP

The red door beckons us.

We enter and immediately.

We are offered hospitality.

We have found the next place where GOD wants us.


It doesn’t look like anything we had planned for or even wanted.

But when we enter, we find warmth and love.

We find a place that needs the gifts we have.

People who have been prepared for us.

Our time there is a place of healing.


They think we came to help heal them.

And GOD used us to encourage them along the way.

But when we leave, we realize,

We were the ones who were healed.


How do you respond when you don’t see a door nearby?

What does staying on the path look like for you?

Some days, staying on the path involves GOD holding you in His hand

so you will be able to stay there.


*this is loosely autobiographical



