Could I ever be good enough
For a holy GOD?
What is His standard for those
With whom He wants to spend eternity?
Is it good enough?
Unfortunately, it isn’t.
His standard is perfection.
No mistakes. No sin. No flaws.
It is the same standard He had for the lamb
Who was to be sacrificed each year for sin.
Yet He knows what we are made of.
He knows we are far from perfect, sinless or flawless.
Is it some kind of divine April Fool’s joke?
He made a provision that satisfied both His perfect justice
And His perfect holiness.
His Son, put on human flesh. stop
He came to earth for 33 years and lived a perfect life.
He was 100% GOD, 100% man.
I have no idea how that could be.
He worked it all out.
During that time, He never once sinned.
In thought, word or deed…ever!
Then, in obedience to the Father, He died.
He drank the cup of death for the sin of the world.
Of separation from His Father…in order to redeem His people.
It was physically painful, but that wasn’t the worst of it.
The separation from His Father while He carried the sin of the world
And bore the punishment of all of it?
That was something we can’t even imagine or understand.
The agony of that was unbearable.
At one point, Jesus said, “It is finished.”
The debt had been paid.
Our redemption was complete.
The victory over sin and death was won!
The world went dark and the veil between the Holy Place
And the Holy of Holies tore from top to bottom!
The ability to talk directly to the Father was now our privilege.
This was not only good.
It was better than good.
It was awesome!
Now we could live with a holy GOD.
We could be forgiven because Christ fulfilled the requirement for us.
Sin would no longer have power over us.
Christ won the victory over death…
As shown on Easter when He rose from the dead.
Lovely Easter reflection!
Visiting from FMF!
thanks for stopping liz:) glad you enjoyed it. blessings during this busy Easter season ( speak as pastor’s wife to pastor’s wife:)
Beautiful words that reflect the beauty of the plan of salvation. There will be things on earth we will never understand, but that’s what heaven’s for!
so true anita:) if we understood all of it, GOD wouldn’t be part of it, would He?
Hallelujah, Amen! Rejoicing with you.
and with you too ruth…from this side of the pond:)