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photo:weekly snaps graphic: Martha G. Brady

photo:weekly snaps
graphic: Martha G. Brady

Have you not known? Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He does not faint or grow weary;
    his understanding is unsearchable.

Isaiah 40:28

This verse is the prequel to the last passage I shared here a couple of weeks ago. I ran across it recently and thought, “Of course! That’s why He is up to the task of caring for those of us who are weary or aware of our weakness. That’s how He can promise to provide strenth in the place of our weakness. He is our everlasting GOD and the creator of everything!”

What a great reminder. This is the basis of those encouraging words from a few weeks ago. Who GOD is! Just in the past few weeks, I have been reminded…and shared with you, of His goodness, His power and consuming firedness, and now His everlastingness and His unsearchable understanding of our ways and of all situations and plans for the world.

He has it all in control. He created it all. He understands it all in depth. He knows it all and will be around and has been around eternally. It is beyond my ability to completely grasp!

As we reach the end of this first month in the new year, it is encouraging to realize that no matter how much we have failed at our hopes for change this year, or how successful we have been so far, we have an eternal GOD who is good and good to us in ways we don’t always understand…as being good.

We can hang onto Him in ways we never have as we realize how much we need Him. He is up for whatever the need or empty place is. For that we can be truly thankful!

Where do you need to know GOD, the everlasting GOD this year, this week?

Where do you need His unsearchable understanding in your life?
