These verses and the time we’ve been studying I John, have reminded me of how much of a gift, love is.
We expect it from everyone around us and we give it…or think we do. But the truth is that apart from GOD’s common grace, there would be no love in this world apart from Christians, true believers in Christ.
Is there any love shown apart from them? Yes, in a common grace way. But the real, sacrificial love will come from believers. Will all believers show this kind of love? No, not to the degree we would like. They are learning and growing. They will mature. They all start from different places on the continuum of even knowing how to show it.
But as Christians, one of our characteristics is to love… each other and the world around us. It was Christians that brought us hospitals where the sick could be treated and cared for in a clean setting. Christians who ministered to the poor and imprisoned and made prisons more humane places where there wouldn’t be disease and where prisoners could be safe.
Christians were also involved in ministering to the poor, widowed and weak over the centuries. But in more recent years, we have often gotten too preoccupied with our jobs and personal interests to be involved in this kind of mission outreach nearby our homes.
Take a look at I Corinthians 13. It is wedged in between I Corinthians 12 and 14 where the gifts of the Spirit are discussed. Just before chapter 13 starts, it says, “but earnestly desire the best gifts…”
Of course, Christ’s life demonstrated love through and through…as did His death for us! It was a death He didn’t deserve…at all! But it was the only way we could be redeemed!
Are you able to love people who are not easy to love?
…much less like?
Have you seen growth in your ability to love?
I’m so glad I stopped by today, I’m in a situation where I need God’s love to flow through me to love a difficult person in my life!
elizabeth, sorry to take so long to reply. i have been there and am right now. I John has been encouraging to me in many ways here. no, i’m not where I’d like to be, but i also see signs that GOD is working it out in places and ways i would never have dreamed.
did you see the post on my grittygrace facebook page yesterday? i found it very helpful from another blogger who is wise beyond her years!
May our lives reflect our gratitude to God for His unfailing love for us by loving others with His agape love! May His love in us manifest through us when our human love fails! May we never forget how God first loved us…the unloving/unloveable. One of my favorite quotes is “We cannot choose whom we will love if we claim to be Christians.” (~Unknown)
great quote urailak:) thanks for stopping by.